[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v6.1.1, Second Call

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryanc at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 23 12:48:02 EDT 2014

Checklist items for the v6.1.1 release
   (using the v6.1.0.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

--> Release candidates are at
-->   http://pre-release.racket-lang.org

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests, you can do this:

   cd ...racket-root...
   ./bin/raco pkg install -i main-distribution-test


* Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
   - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
   - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
   - Try teaching-languages testing framework (check-expect)
   - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
   (updates should show v6.1.1 as the most current version; email me
   to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org>
   - Swindle Tests
   - XREPL Tests
   - Verify PL language
   - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
   - Run the unix installer tests
   - Run zsh completions tests
     (". .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test")

* Stephen Bloch <sbloch at adelphi.edu>
   - Picturing Programs Tests

* Jon Rafkind <rafkind at cs.utah.edu>
   Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
   - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
     compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
     this stage).
   - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
     both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
   [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
    the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available]

* David Van Horn <dvanhorn at ccs.neu.edu>
   - EoPL Tests

* Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com>
   - Plot Tests
   - Images Tests
   - Inspect icons
   - Math tests

Posted on the dev mailing list.