[racket-dev] DrRacket PF1 Search Bug?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu Nov 20 22:38:28 EST 2014

No, the browser isn't hiding the query part.

Here are the content of two script files:

$  cat a.scrpt
open location "file:///Applications/r/doc/search/index.html?q=xyz"
$  cat b.scrpt
open location "file:///Users/robby/Library/Racket/development/doc/search/index.html?q=xyz"

Running "osascript a.scrpt" doesn't work, but running "osascript
b.scrpt" does work. And by "work" I mean that in both cases the
corresponding webpage is visited in Safari, but in the first case, the
q parameter disappears.

I tried fiddling with various things, but I don't understand what
exactly is considered to be the important difference between those


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Stephen De Gabrielle
> <spdegabrielle at gmail.com> wrote:
>> in DrRacket:
>>>  (send-url "file:///Users/spdegabrielle/hello.html?q=aaaba")
>> works
>>> (send-url "file:///Applications/hello.html?q=xyz")
>> works
> In that case I think that it's a different problem than what I
> described.
>>> (send-url
>>> "file:///Applications/Racket%20v6.1.1.5/doc/search/index.html?q=xyzzzzz")
>> fails
> This is weird.  To debug it, the text thing I'd do is make that
> /Applications/hello.html show the location string -- perhaps the browser
> hides the query part.  Another thing to look into is the permissions of
> the files -- maybe it descides to drop the query bit on a file that you
> don't personally own.
>> in bash:
>> Miriams-MacBook-Pro-2:~ spdegabrielle$ open
>> "file:///Users/spdegabrielle/hello.html?q=aaaa"
>> fails
> It shouldn't be `open' -- it's something with osascript.  (I don't
> remember it now, but Robby had it in the other email.)
>> I've just had a quick go at '(send-url/file ' but I cant remember how to
>> escape the '?'
> Should be something like
>     (send-url/file "/Some/file.html" #:query "123")
> but it's probably won't help to try it, since it uses the same
> functionality as the above.
> --
>           ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
>                     http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!

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