[racket-dev] [plt] Push #28817: master branch updated

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu May 29 10:40:00 EDT 2014

Let me spell out my cryptic comment. 

1. I said that a bunch of optimizations are simple context-free rewrite rules. 

2. I also said that what we really need to keep track of contexts. If you think of 

  Γ ⊢ e ~> e'  if Γ ⊨ e ~ e'

as the general form of optimizing rewrites, then the key generalization over 2
is the context Γ. 

3. Matthew calls this 'type inference' because that's where Γs like the above
are most common. But Γ could also contain statements such as 

 'f = \x.e, f \not∈ AV(P)' 

which then gives rise to inlining. [Optimizations really are about the logic
of the program, if you want sound ones.]

4. In general optimizers gather a lot of knowledge about contexts that they
exploit, and front-ends do so mostly for type checking reasons. That's why 
the two are often conflated. But you really do want more than type info in 
the context. 

5. Our current major problem is that the type checker does not communicate the 
type checking information from the front end to the optimizer. The general 
formulation is that #lang-languages have only a few hooks to tell the compiler
what they figured out. 

6. Now in this context, my "Perhaps" remark means two distinct things: 

-- it would be wonderful if we could centralize rewriting rules in one
	place through one mechanism, and syntax-* looks promising 
	That does not mean that these things are part of the program. 
	I could see using some syntax-* used to generate code for the
	current optimizer. [I know that this is a stretch.]

-- it would be even wonderfuller if 
	(a) this centralized mechanism came with a mechanism for 
	collecting context information 
	(b) if #lang languages had a mechanism to communicate
	the contextual information they have gathered to this 
	central rewriter. This would avoid leakage [citation to
	Julia omitted]

Does this make sense? Okay I understand that I am laying out a research 
agenda to improve our infrastructure. Don't bother to tell me, I know. 
It's my job. Now I have to look for someone who wishes to write this 
very real dissertation. 

-- Matthias

On May 28, 2014, at 10:50 PM, Eric Dobson <eric.n.dobson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Cases like this make me think that we need something stronger than context free
> rewrite rules over the ast/bytecode.

On May 29, 2014, at 1:19 AM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:

> Ok, I see. I'll revise my comment to "this would be better done with a
> more general form of type inference", leaving out the claim of where
> that inference should live.
> I don't currently know how to do it other than building inference into
> the complier. Matthias's plug-in rules sounds like a point that we hope
> to eventually reach through macros as a compiler API.
> On Sam's general question, I agree that there's no simple answer.
> Some languages/libraries will provide particular optimizations that are
> made possible by syntactic constraints. A type system is a particularly
> fancy syntactic constraint, and it can offer particularly fancy
> optimizations (such as splitting complex numbers).
> Syntactic constraints are the reason to have multiple languages and a
> choice, instead of just one language and compiler. I suppose a single
> compiler could try several languages and find the one that a program
> matches syntactically, but often the constraints are complex enough
> that programs won't fit without careful attention. In that case, a
> programmer knows (and can declare, and would really prefer to declare
> and get feedback on) the restricted form that they intend to use for a
> program.
> Meanwhile, we have a lot of code in plain Racket. Optimizing by hand is
> so painful that even writing more C code (for the current optimizer)
> seems like a better trade-off than hand-optimization. I imagine that
> the PR was provoked by actual code somewhere. When the compiler is
> finally itself implemented in Racket, the balance should shift even
> further toward optimizations for plain Racket, whether or not we find
> better a macro API for optimizations.
> At Wed, 28 May 2014 19:50:50 -0700, Eric Dobson wrote:
>> I don't think that TR should provide the majority of the optimizations
>> in its current form because it has to run before inlining, and this
>> limits what it can do.
>> Here is an example program:
>> #lang typed/racket
>> (: my-sequence-map
>>   (All (A B)
>>     (case->
>>       ((A -> B) (Vectorof A) -> (Vectorof B))
>>       ((A -> B) (Listof A) -> (Listof B)))))
>> (define (my-sequence-map f s)
>>  (if (vector? s)
>>      (vector-map f s)
>>      (map f s)))
>> (my-sequence-map add1 (vector 1 2 3))
>> (my-sequence-map add1 (list 1 2 3))
>> I would like this to be optimized to:
>> (vector-map add1 (vector 1 2 3))
>> (map add1 (list 1 2 3))
>> I think this case of code will be very common if we move to a world
>> where we work over generic sequences/datastructures, and specializing
>> the call sites will be a big win.
>> TR cannot do this optimization because it requires inlining. And the
>> current version of racket cannot optimize this either because it
>> becomes
>> (let ((s (vector 1 2 3)))
>>  (if (vector? s)
>>      (vector-map add1 s)
>>      (map add1 s)))
>> Which isn't optimized because when we see (vector? s) we don't know
>> that s is a vector as Mathew's change only works if the constructor is
>> inline (i.e. of the form (vector? (vector 1 2 3))). Cases like this
>> make me think that we need something stronger than context free
>> rewrite rules over the ast/bytecode.
>> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 6:36 PM, Matthias Felleisen
>> <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>>> Perhaps the right answer is to organize the optimizer
>>> as a rewriting engine to which other devs can add rules
>>> as they discover them (and their absence in the existing
>>> rule set). -- Indeed, one could then even have programmers
>>> extend the rule set for a specific program (though then
>>> we have to worry about soundness). With syntax-* we should
>>> have no problem formulating the mostly context-free rules
>>> and we could figure out in addition how to keep track of
>>> contexts. (This is the other half of what we used to call
>>> the 'open compiler' idea at Rice.)
>>> -- Matthias
>>> On May 28, 2014, at 9:25 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>>>> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 4:26 AM,  <mflatt at racket-lang.org> wrote:
>>>>> | optimizer: ad hoc optimization of predicates applied to constructions
>>>>> |
>>>>> | This is probably more of a job for Typed Racket, but maybe it's
>>>>> | useful to detect some obviously unnecessary allocations of lists, etc.
>>>> I think this is a useful discussion to have. I think there are two
>>>> questions to answer:
>>>> 1. Do we want people to need to use a particular language for greater
>>>> optimization, whether that's Typed Racket or some other optimizer?
>>>> 2. How should we optimize the code that Typed Racket depends on?
>>>> Since this is a finite amount, we could manually do this, but we might
>>>> not want to.
>>>> Of course, in the absence of other constraints, it would be great to
>>>> have infinite optimizations at every level. But in our actual setting,
>>>> I don't know what I think the answer to either of these questions is.
>>>> Sam
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Racket Developers list:
>>>> http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev

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