[racket-dev] make gets hung up building documentation
thanks. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this on my machine but the thing I
would do if I could would be to start putting printfs in to try to find a
smaller programs that gets stuck.
On Sunday, May 4, 2014, Geoffrey S. Knauth <geoff at knauth.org> wrote:
> On May 4, 2014, at 16:44 , Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > That suggests to me that it is running of the of the examples in
> >
> /Users/gknauth/test/plt/git/plt/pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/guide/let.scrbl
> > that's causing the problem. Does this terminate:
> > $ racket -l scribblings/guide/let.scrbl
> While I watched two rabbits run in circles in the backyard and observed
> another rabbit ignore that race condition to bound across the neighbors',
> no dogs in sight, I let things get good and stuck, then I pressed ^C. Here
> sir, is your error trace:
> $ pwd
> /Users/gknauth/test/plt/git/plt/pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc
> $ racket -l scribblings/guide/let.scrbl
> ^Cuser break
> context...:
> /Users/gknauth/test/plt/git/plt/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:883:2:
> user-eval
> /Users/gknauth/test/plt/git/plt/pkgs/scribble-pkgs/scribble-lib/scribble/eval.rkt:399:0:
> do-plain-eval
> /Users/gknauth/test/plt/git/plt/pkgs/scribble-pkgs/scribble-lib/scribble/eval.rkt:261:2
> /Users/gknauth/test/plt/git/plt/pkgs/scribble-pkgs/scribble-lib/scribble/eval.rkt:550:0:
> do-titled-interaction
> /Users/gknauth/test/plt/git/plt/pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/guide/let.scrbl:
> [running body]
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