[racket-dev] Unlucky with Racket 6.0 (2/2)

From: Paulo Matos (paulo at matos-sorge.com)
Date: Wed Mar 12 19:14:14 EDT 2014

The other alternative is to compile racket, however I seem to be doing 
something wrong.

In the early days (I haven't done this in maybe 1 or 2 years), doing an 
in-place ./configure ; make ; make install was enough.

With racket-6.0, I do:
cd racket/racket/src
./configure --prefix=/home/pmatos/racket-6.0
make install

This installs a directory with racket and raco only.
Same thing for an in-place build, like so:
cd racket/racket/src
mkdir build
cd build
make install

However, I notice a top-level Makefile in racket/, after taking a peek 
and reading INSTALL.txt it seems that now I need to use this Makefile to 
build everything.

So, I try (as mentioned in the INSTALL.txt):
make in-place

in-place is not a target.

Trying just `make` builds racket in place successfully. I get the same 
SEGFAULT mentioned in my previous post with same title.

Is there a way to compile this with debug information?



Posted on the dev mailing list.