[racket-dev] Should `register-finalizer` unwrap impersonators?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sun Aug 17 17:19:35 EDT 2014

I imagine a type-definition construct that allows programmers to specify how the type is translated into a contract. Think (define-trusted-type Finalizer C) and then the C specifies how little and how much of the type you wish to check. 

And yes, this is potentially a soundness hole but I am thinking that the primary uses could be connected to things in the core or the FFI. And programmers who wish to reduce the soundness of TR could use it to speed up boundary crossings at the cost of getting things wrong. In a sense, it's an FFI for types. 

-- Matthias

On Aug 17, 2014, at 3:47 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

> Can you say more about what the API for what you're imagining is?
> Sam
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Matthias Felleisen
> <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>> I am imagining that the type compilation of type Finalizer and such things would be parameterized over programmer code which would yield a 'trusted' 'thing' in this case except that this would open the door for other such things.
>> On Aug 17, 2014, at 3:39 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>>> How would that change things here? The issue is about
>>> finalizer-for-what, and that chaperones/impersonators affect object
>>> identity.
>>> Sam
>>> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Matthias Felleisen
>>> <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>>>> Could we benefit from an abstract/opaque Finalizer type here? I know we don't have those yet but it may address the general problem. -- Matthias
>>>> On Aug 16, 2014, at 8:55 AM, Neil Toronto wrote:
>>>>> Short version: the contract system doesn't allow `register-finalizer` to be used in Typed Racket.
>>>>> Long version: consider the following Typed Racket program, in which instances of `os-resource-wrapper` represent an operating system resource `os-resource`, which itself is just a counter. It attempts to register a finalizer for allocated wrappers, which decrements the counter.
>>>>> #lang typed/racket
>>>>> (require/typed
>>>>> ffi/unsafe
>>>>> [register-finalizer  (All (A) (-> A (-> A Any) Void))])
>>>>> (: os-resource Integer)
>>>>> (define os-resource 0)
>>>>> (struct os-resource-wrapper ())
>>>>> (: alloc-os-resource (-> os-resource-wrapper))
>>>>> (define (alloc-os-resource)
>>>>> (set! os-resource (add1 os-resource))
>>>>> (define w (os-resource-wrapper))
>>>>> (register-finalizer w (λ (w) (set! os-resource (sub1 os-resource))))
>>>>> w)
>>>>> (define w (alloc-os-resource))
>>>>> (printf "os-resource = ~v~n" os-resource)
>>>>> (collect-garbage)
>>>>> (sleep 1)  ; give finalizers a chance to run
>>>>> (printf "os-resource = ~v~n" os-resource)
>>>>> I get this output:
>>>>> os-resource = 1
>>>>> os-resource = 0
>>>>> The finalizer is being run while the program still has a pointer to the wrapper object. I think it's because the wrapper object is being impersonated when it's sent across the contract barrier, and the *impersonator* is getting the finalizer. (Or it's a chaperone, or an impostor, or a charlatan, or whatever. Let's go with impersonator.)
>>>>> In my specific case, the OS resources are OpenGL objects; e.g. vertex object arrays. The call to `register-finalizer` *must* be in Typed Racket code because the wrapper contains an (Instance GL-Context<%>), which can't have a contract put on it, so it can't pass from untyped to typed code.
>>>>> Is there any reason for `register-finalizer` to behave this way? Does it ever make sense to register a finalizer on an impersonator?
>>>>> Neil ⊥
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