[racket-dev] comments on "comments on learning Racket"

From: Laurent (laurent.orseau at gmail.com)
Date: Sun Apr 27 05:39:50 EDT 2014

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 1:09 AM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>wrote:

> ** tab completion must be faster

and re-indentation of large parts of files too, if possible.
Currently, re-indenting a 500 lines file can take a few seconds.

> ?? I don't get the "Uniform syntax is harder to read" comment. More
>    highlighting, hmph?

Maybe it's just that he's not used to prefix bracketed syntax. That
certainly demands a bit of training.
Also, because Racket makes extensive use of long-and-clear words, maybe it
is comparable to reading a math formula (non-racket) and reading the same
formula using words (racket): If you know how to read a formula (know what
all the symbols mean, etc.), it can be much faster than reading the verbose

** I do get jealous when I see
>  [(i, j, k) | i <- [1..10], j <- [i..10], k <- [j..10], i^2 + j^2 == k^2]
> vs
> (for*/list ([i (range 1 20)] [j (range i 20)] [k (range j 20)] #:when (=
> (+ (sqr i) (sqr j)) (sqr k)))
>     (list i j k))

Would you be less jealous reading the following?

(for*/list ([i (.. 1 20)] [j (.. i 20)] [k (.. j 20)] #:when (= (: i ^ 2 +
j ^ 2) (: k ^ 2))
  (list i j k))

or is it really the #:when part that you'd have preferred to be treated on
par with the rest, as in Haskell? (or the one-liner?)

** Do we need to add these to our library?
> ;; (X ... -> Y ...) X *-> [List-of Y]
> (define (gather-return-values f . s)
>   (call-with-values (lambda () (apply f s)) list))
> ;; Nat (X ... -> Y ...) X *-> Y
> (define (nth-return-value i f . s)
>   (call-with-values (lambda () (apply f s)) (lambda l (list-ref l i))))

I've been having a need of these functions on several occasions myself too.
(Although the names are too long, but maybe just omitting `return` would be
acceptable to my taste.)

> ** Printing is brutally expensive in DrRacket. Is there a way to make it
>    cheaper?

(maybe use some buffering, like wait at least 0.2 seconds before printing,
instead of printing everything right away?)

> ;;
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] What do we call the thing that shows up at the top right?

I think Robby calls them the blue-boxes?

> ;;
> =============================================================================

> ** "Why, why must everything be Inferior By Default?"
>    We obviously need a 'syntax story' that takes readers directly from
>    define-syntax-rule to syntax-parse, bringing in hygiene only late, when
> it
>    truly matters to raise expressiveness

Why not use `define-simple-macro` and completely ditch `define-syntax-rule`
from the guide?

He could then have gone from
(define-simple-macro (swap x y) ....)
(define-simple-macro (swap x:id y:id) ....)
in no time.

** "For some reason I was thinking that indentation information is somehow
>    stored with functions/macros themselves. I was wrong."
>    We discussed this years ago. Hmph, he thought so too.

I'd also have preferred that (but it's easier to say than to do, obviously).
This would allow users to define their own indentation rules for their own
forms, and possible re-define it for old forms, but that is more debatable.
Thanks to submodules, it could be loaded only when used, e.g. by DrRacket.

** "I'm afraid that with the level of flexibility Racket allows, I'll never
> get
>    to writing an actual program – most likely I'll be spending my time
> improving
>    Racket itself (well, or at least changing it to suit my tastes)."
>    Well, I went there when I was young and saw macros. Who hasn't?

I remember the time when I first thought "Oh my, Racket is the most
powerful language in the world!". Quite a enlightenment moment.

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 2:38 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
<samth at cs.indiana.edu>wrote:

> Ok, I think we agree then. What I'm proposing is that new DrRacket
> installations should start in a mode where `#lang racket (+ 3 4)`
> works, which is not currently the case.

Completely agree on that.
Also, maybe the Language preferences should be accessible from the
"Edit/Preferences" panel, or at least be listed right under, in
"Edit/Language preferences".

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