[racket-dev] [plt] Push #28525: master branch updated
Yes, please! Thank you.
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Vincent St-Amour <stamourv at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> This does not handle relative paths.
> I attached a patch that solves the issue, but I'm not sure that's the
> right way to do it. It seems like a better solution may be to fix
> `get-init-dir' in eval-helpers.rkt, but that may have broader
> consequences.
> If the patch looks reasonable, I'll push it.
> Vincent
> At Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:28:47 -0400,
> robby at racket-lang.org wrote:
>> robby has updated `master' from 1f5d08dc29 to e8529ac30a.
>> http://git.racket-lang.org/plt/1f5d08dc29..e8529ac30a
>> =====[ One Commit ]=====================================================
>> Directory summary:
>> 99.5% pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/
>> ~~~~~~~~~~
>> e8529ac Robby Findler <robby at racket-lang.org> 2014-04-12 13:26
>> :
>> | add 'raco dependencies-graph'
>> |
>> | That is, refactor DrRacket's module browser so that
>> | it can be run outside of DrRacket.
>> :
>> M .../drracket/drracket/private/main.rkt | 12 -
>> M .../drracket/drracket/private/module-browser.rkt | 1743 ++++++++++--------
>> M .../drracket/drracket/private/unit.rkt | 1 -
>> M pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/info.rkt | 5 +
>> A pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/standalone-module-browser.rkt
>> M .../private/english-string-constants.rkt | 2 +-
>> =====[ Overall Diff ]===================================================
>> pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/info.rkt
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> --- OLD/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/info.rkt
>> +++ NEW/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/info.rkt
>> @@ -89,3 +89,8 @@
>> 'white-on-black-base? #t
>> 'colors tol-white-on-black-colors)))
>> +(define raco-commands
>> + (list (list "dependencies-graph"
>> + 'drracket/private/standalone-module-browser
>> + "opens a GUI window showing transitive module dependencies (aka `Module Browser')"
>> + #f)))
>> pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/main.rkt
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> --- OLD/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/main.rkt
>> +++ NEW/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/main.rkt
>> @@ -179,9 +179,6 @@
>> 3/4
>> number-between-zero-and-one?))
>> -(drr:set-default 'drracket:module-browser:name-length 1
>> - (λ (x) (memq x '(0 1 2 3))))
>> -
>> (let ([frame-width 600]
>> [frame-height 650]
>> [window-trimming-upper-bound-width 20]
>> @@ -271,15 +268,6 @@
>> null
>> list?)
>> - (drr:set-default 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size 12 number?)
>> - (drr:set-default 'drracket:module-overview:window-height 500 number?)
>> - (drr:set-default 'drracket:module-overview:window-width 500 number?)
>> - (drr:set-default 'drracket:module-browser:hide-paths '(lib)
>> - (λ (x)
>> - (and (list? x)
>> - (andmap symbol? x))))
>> -
>> -
>> (drracket:font:setup-preferences)
>> (color-prefs:add-color-scheme-preferences-panel
>> #:extras
>> pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/module-browser.rkt
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> --- OLD/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/module-browser.rkt
>> +++ NEW/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/module-browser.rkt
>> @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
>> #lang racket/base
>> -(define oprintf
>> - (let ([op (current-output-port)])
>> - (λ args
>> - (apply fprintf op args))))
>> -
>> -(require mred
>> +(require racket/gui/base
>> racket/class
>> racket/set
>> racket/contract
>> @@ -24,6 +19,25 @@
>> racket/port
>> "rectangle-intersect.rkt")
>> +(define oprintf
>> + (let ([op (current-output-port)])
>> + (λ args
>> + (apply fprintf op args))))
>> +
>> +(provide standalone-module-overview/file)
>> +
>> +
>> +
>> +(preferences:set-default 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size 12 number?)
>> +(preferences:set-default 'drracket:module-overview:window-height 500 number?)
>> +(preferences:set-default 'drracket:module-overview:window-width 500 number?)
>> +(preferences:set-default 'drracket:module-browser:hide-paths '(lib)
>> + (λ (x)
>> + (and (list? x)
>> + (andmap symbol? x))))
>> +(preferences:set-default 'drracket:module-browser:name-length 1
>> + (λ (x) (memq x '(0 1 2 3))))
>> +
>> (define-struct req (r-mpi key))
>> ;; type req = (make-req [result from resolve-module-path-index] -- except only when it has a path
>> ;; (or/c symbol? #f))
>> @@ -43,647 +57,55 @@
>> (define original-output-port (current-output-port))
>> (define original-error-port (current-error-port))
>> +(define filename-constant (string-constant module-browser-filename-format))
>> +(define font-size-gauge-label (string-constant module-browser-font-size-gauge-label))
>> +(define progress-label (string-constant module-browser-progress-label))
>> +(define laying-out-graph-label (string-constant module-browser-laying-out-graph-label))
>> +(define open-file-format (string-constant module-browser-open-file-format))
>> +(define lib-paths-checkbox-constant (string-constant module-browser-show-lib-paths))
>> +
>> +(define (set-box/f b v) (when (box? b) (set-box! b v)))
>> +
>> +(define (find-label-font size)
>> + (send the-font-list find-or-create-font size 'decorative 'normal 'normal #f))
>> +
>> +(define module-overview-pasteboard<%>
>> + (interface ()
>> + set-label-font-size
>> + get-label-font-size
>> + get-hidden-paths
>> + show-visible-paths
>> + remove-visible-paths
>> + set-name-length
>> + get-name-length))
>> +
>> +(define boxed-word-snip<%>
>> + (interface ()
>> + get-filename
>> + get-word
>> + get-lines
>> + is-special-key-child?
>> + add-special-key-child
>> + set-found!))
>> +
>> (define-unit module-overview@
>> (import [prefix drracket:frame: drracket:frame^]
>> [prefix drracket:eval: drracket:eval^]
>> [prefix drracket:language-configuration: drracket:language-configuration/internal^]
>> [prefix drracket:language: drracket:language^])
>> - (export drracket:module-overview^)
>> -
>> - (define filename-constant (string-constant module-browser-filename-format))
>> - (define font-size-gauge-label (string-constant module-browser-font-size-gauge-label))
>> - (define progress-label (string-constant module-browser-progress-label))
>> - (define laying-out-graph-label (string-constant module-browser-laying-out-graph-label))
>> - (define open-file-format (string-constant module-browser-open-file-format))
>> - (define lib-paths-checkbox-constant (string-constant module-browser-show-lib-paths))
>> -
>> - (define (set-box/f b v) (when (box? b) (set-box! b v)))
>> + (export (rename drracket:module-overview^
>> + [_module-overview/file module-overview/file]
>> + [_make-module-overview-pasteboard make-module-overview-pasteboard]))
>> (define (module-overview parent)
>> (let ([filename (get-file #f parent)])
>> (when filename
>> - (module-overview/file filename parent))))
>> -
>> - (define (find-label-font size)
>> - (send the-font-list find-or-create-font size 'decorative 'normal 'normal #f))
>> -
>> - (define module-overview-pasteboard<%>
>> - (interface ()
>> - set-label-font-size
>> - get-label-font-size
>> - get-hidden-paths
>> - show-visible-paths
>> - remove-visible-paths
>> - set-name-length
>> - get-name-length))
>> -
>> - (define boxed-word-snip<%>
>> - (interface ()
>> - get-filename
>> - get-word
>> - get-lines
>> - is-special-key-child?
>> - add-special-key-child
>> - set-found!))
>> -
>> - ;; make-module-overview-pasteboard : boolean
>> - ;; ((union #f snip) -> void)
>> - ;; -> (union string pasteboard)
>> - ;; string as result indicates an error message
>> - ;; pasteboard as result is the pasteboard to show
>> - (define (make-module-overview-pasteboard vertical? mouse-currently-over)
>> -
>> - (define level-ht (make-hasheq))
>> -
>> - ;; snip-table : hash-table[sym -o> snip]
>> - (define snip-table (make-hash))
>> - (define label-font (find-label-font (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size)))
>> - (define text-color "blue")
>> -
>> - (define search-result-text-color "white")
>> - (define search-result-background "forestgreen")
>> -
>> - (define dark-syntax-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "darkorchid" 1 'solid))
>> - (define dark-syntax-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "darkorchid" 'solid))
>> - (define light-syntax-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "plum" 1 'solid))
>> - (define light-syntax-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "plum" 'solid))
>> -
>> - (define dark-template-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "seagreen" 1 'solid))
>> - (define dark-template-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "seagreen" 'solid))
>> - (define light-template-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "springgreen" 1 'solid))
>> - (define light-template-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "springgreen" 'solid))
>> -
>> - (define dark-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "blue" 1 'solid))
>> - (define dark-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "blue" 'solid))
>> - (define light-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "light blue" 1 'solid))
>> - (define light-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "light blue" 'solid))
>> -
>> - (define (module-overview-pasteboard-mixin %)
>> - (class* % (module-overview-pasteboard<%>)
>> -
>> - (inherit get-snip-location
>> - begin-edit-sequence
>> - end-edit-sequence
>> - insert
>> - move-to
>> - find-first-snip
>> - dc-location-to-editor-location
>> - find-snip
>> - get-canvas)
>> -
>> - ;; require-depth-ht : hash[(list snip snip) -o> (listof integer)]
>> - ;; maps parent/child snips (ie, those that match up to modules
>> - ;; that require each other) to phase differences
>> - (define require-depth-ht (make-hash))
>> -
>> - (define name-length 'long)
>> - (define/public (set-name-length nl)
>> - (unless (eq? name-length nl)
>> - (set! name-length nl)
>> - (re-add-snips)
>> - (render-snips)))
>> - (define/public (get-name-length) name-length)
>> -
>> - (field [max-lines #f])
>> -
>> - ;; controls if the snips should be moved
>> - ;; around when the font size is changed.
>> - ;; set to #f if the user ever moves a
>> - ;; snip themselves.
>> - (define dont-move-snips #f)
>> -
>> - (field (label-font-size (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size)))
>> - (define/public (get-label-font-size) label-font-size)
>> - (define/private (get-snip-hspace) (if vertical?
>> - 2
>> - (* 2 label-font-size)))
>> - (define/private (get-snip-vspace) (if vertical?
>> - 30
>> - 2))
>> - (define snip-height #f)
>> -
>> - (define font-label-size-callback-running? #f)
>> - (define new-font-size #f)
>> - (define/public (set-label-font-size size-to-set)
>> - (set! new-font-size size-to-set)
>> - (unless font-label-size-callback-running?
>> - (set! font-label-size-callback-running? #t)
>> - (queue-callback
>> - (λ ()
>> - (set! label-font-size new-font-size)
>> - (preferences:set 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size
>> - new-font-size)
>> - (set! label-font (find-label-font label-font-size))
>> - (begin-edit-sequence)
>> - (let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> - (when snip
>> - (let ([admin (send snip get-admin)])
>> - (when admin
>> - (send admin resized snip #t)))
>> - (loop (send snip next))))
>> - (unless dont-move-snips
>> - (render-snips))
>> - (end-edit-sequence)
>> - (set! new-font-size #f)
>> - (set! font-label-size-callback-running? #f))
>> - #f)))
>> -
>> - (define/public (begin-adding-connections)
>> - (when max-lines
>> - (error 'begin-adding-connections
>> - "already in begin-adding-connections/end-adding-connections sequence"))
>> - (set! max-lines 0)
>> - (begin-edit-sequence)
>> - (let loop ()
>> - (let ([s (find-first-snip)])
>> - (when s
>> - (send s release-from-owner)
>> - (loop))))
>> - (set! level-ht (make-hasheq))
>> - (set! snip-table (make-hash)))
>> -
>> - (define/public (end-adding-connections)
>> - (unless max-lines
>> - (error 'end-adding-connections
>> - "not in begin-adding-connections/end-adding-connections sequence"))
>> -
>> - (unless (zero? max-lines)
>> - (let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> - (when snip
>> - (when (is-a? snip word-snip/lines%)
>> - (send snip normalize-lines max-lines))
>> - (loop (send snip next)))))
>> -
>> -
>> - (set! max-lines #f)
>> - (compute-snip-require-phases)
>> - (remove-specially-linked)
>> - (render-snips)
>> - (end-edit-sequence))
>> -
>> - (define/private (compute-snip-require-phases)
>> - (let ([ht (make-hash)]) ;; avoid infinite loops
>> - (for ([snip (in-list (get-top-most-snips))])
>> - (let loop ([parent snip]
>> - [depth 0]) ;; depth is either an integer or #f (indicating for-label)
>> - (unless (hash-ref ht (cons parent depth) #f)
>> - (hash-set! ht (cons parent depth) #t)
>> - (send parent add-require-phase depth)
>> - (for ([child (in-list (send parent get-children))])
>> - (for ([delta-depth (in-list (hash-ref require-depth-ht (list parent child)))])
>> - (loop child
>> - (and depth delta-depth (+ delta-depth depth))))))))))
>> -
>> - ;; add-connection : path/string/submod path/string/submod (union symbol #f) number -> void
>> - ;; name-original and name-require and the identifiers for those paths and
>> - ;; original-filename? and require-filename? are booleans indicating if the names
>> - ;; are filenames.
>> - (define/public (add-connection name-original name-require path-key require-depth)
>> - (unless max-lines
>> - (error 'add-connection "not in begin-adding-connections/end-adding-connections sequence"))
>> - (let* ([original-snip (find/create-snip name-original)]
>> - [require-snip (find/create-snip name-require)]
>> - [original-level (send original-snip get-level)]
>> - [require-level (send require-snip get-level)])
>> - (let ([require-depth-key (list original-snip require-snip)])
>> - (hash-set! require-depth-ht
>> - require-depth-key
>> - (cons require-depth (hash-ref require-depth-ht require-depth-key '()))))
>> - (case require-depth
>> - [(0)
>> - (add-links original-snip require-snip
>> - dark-pen light-pen
>> - dark-brush light-brush)]
>> - [else
>> - (add-links original-snip require-snip
>> - dark-syntax-pen light-syntax-pen
>> - dark-syntax-brush light-syntax-brush)])
>> - (when path-key
>> - (send original-snip add-special-key-child path-key require-snip))
>> - (if (send original-snip get-level)
>> - (fix-snip-level require-snip (+ original-level 1))
>> - (fix-snip-level original-snip 0))))
>> -
>> - ;; fix-snip-level : snip number -> void
>> - ;; moves the snip (and any children) to at least `new-level'
>> - ;; doesn't move them if they are already past that level
>> - (define/private (fix-snip-level snip new-min-level)
>> - (let loop ([snip snip]
>> - [new-min-level new-min-level])
>> - (let ([current-level (send snip get-level)])
>> - (when (or (not current-level)
>> - (new-min-level . > . current-level))
>> - (send snip set-level new-min-level)
>> - (for-each
>> - (λ (child) (loop child (+ new-min-level 1)))
>> - (send snip get-children))))))
>> -
>> - ;; find/create-snip : (union path string) boolean? -> word-snip/lines
>> - ;; finds the snip with this key, or creates a new
>> - ;; ones. For the same key, always returns the same snip.
>> - ;; uses snip-table as a cache for this purpose.
>> - (define/private (find/create-snip name)
>> - (define filename
>> - (match name
>> - [(? path-string?) (and (file-exists? name) name)]
>> - [`(submod ,p ,_ ...) (and (file-exists? p) p)]
>> - [else #f]))
>> - (hash-ref
>> - snip-table
>> - name
>> - (λ ()
>> - (define snip
>> - (new word-snip/lines%
>> - [lines (if filename (count-lines filename) #f)]
>> - [word
>> - (if filename
>> - (let ([short-name (let-values ([(_1 name _2) (split-path filename)])
>> - (path->string name))])
>> - (match name
>> - [(? path-string?) short-name]
>> - [`(submod ,p ,submods ...)
>> - (format "~s" `(submod ,short-name , at submods))]))
>> - (format "~a" name))]
>> - [pb this]
>> - [filename filename]))
>> - (insert snip)
>> - (hash-set! snip-table name snip)
>> - snip)))
>> -
>> - ;; count-lines : string[filename] -> (union #f number)
>> - ;; effect: updates max-lines
>> - (define/private (count-lines filename)
>> - (let ([lines
>> - (call-with-input-file filename
>> - (λ (port)
>> - (let loop ([n 0])
>> - (let ([l (read-line port)])
>> - (if (eof-object? l)
>> - n
>> - (loop (+ n 1))))))
>> - #:mode 'text)])
>> - (set! max-lines (max lines max-lines))
>> - lines))
>> -
>> - ;; get-snip-width : snip -> number
>> - ;; exracts the width of a snip
>> - (define/private (get-snip-width snip)
>> - (let ([lb (box 0)]
>> - [rb (box 0)])
>> - (get-snip-location snip lb #f #f)
>> - (get-snip-location snip rb #f #t)
>> - (- (unbox rb)
>> - (unbox lb))))
>> -
>> - ;; get-snip-height : snip -> number
>> - ;; exracts the width of a snip
>> - (define/private (get-snip-height snip)
>> - (let ([tb (box 0)]
>> - [bb (box 0)])
>> - (get-snip-location snip #f tb #f)
>> - (get-snip-location snip #f bb #t)
>> - (- (unbox bb)
>> - (unbox tb))))
>> -
>> - (field [hidden-paths (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:hide-paths)])
>> - (define/public (remove-visible-paths symbol)
>> - (unless (memq symbol hidden-paths)
>> - (set! hidden-paths (cons symbol hidden-paths))
>> - (refresh-visible-paths)))
>> - (define/public (show-visible-paths symbol)
>> - (when (memq symbol hidden-paths)
>> - (set! hidden-paths (remq symbol hidden-paths))
>> - (refresh-visible-paths)))
>> - (define/public (get-hidden-paths) hidden-paths)
>> -
>> - (define/private (refresh-visible-paths)
>> - (begin-edit-sequence)
>> - (re-add-snips)
>> - (render-snips)
>> - (end-edit-sequence))
>> -
>> - (define/private (re-add-snips)
>> - (begin-edit-sequence)
>> - (remove-specially-linked)
>> - (end-edit-sequence))
>> -
>> - (define/private (remove-specially-linked)
>> - (remove-currrently-inserted)
>> - (cond
>> - [(null? hidden-paths)
>> - (add-all)]
>> - [else
>> - (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
>> - (for ([snip (in-list (get-top-most-snips))])
>> - (insert snip)
>> - (let loop ([snip snip])
>> - (unless (hash-ref ht snip #f)
>> - (hash-set! ht snip #t)
>> - (for ([child (in-list (send snip get-children))])
>> - (unless (ormap (λ (key) (send snip is-special-key-child?
>> - key child))
>> - hidden-paths)
>> - (insert child)
>> - (loop child)))))))]))
>> -
>> - (define/private (remove-currrently-inserted)
>> - (let loop ()
>> - (let ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> - (when snip
>> - (send snip release-from-owner)
>> - (loop)))))
>> -
>> - (define/private (add-all)
>> - (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
>> - (for-each
>> - (λ (snip)
>> - (let loop ([snip snip])
>> - (unless (hash-ref ht snip (λ () #f))
>> - (hash-set! ht snip #t)
>> - (insert snip)
>> - (for-each loop (send snip get-children)))))
>> - (get-top-most-snips))))
>> -
>> - (define/private (get-top-most-snips) (hash-ref level-ht 0 (λ () null)))
>> -
>> - ;; render-snips : -> void
>> - (define/public (render-snips)
>> - (begin-edit-sequence)
>> - (let ([max-minor 0])
>> -
>> - ;; major-dim is the dimension that new levels extend along
>> - ;; minor-dim is the dimension that snips inside a level extend along
>> -
>> - (hash-for-each
>> - level-ht
>> - (λ (n v)
>> - (set! max-minor (max max-minor (apply + (map (if vertical?
>> - (λ (x) (get-snip-width x))
>> - (λ (x) (get-snip-height x)))
>> - v))))))
>> -
>> - (let ([levels (sort (hash-map level-ht list)
>> - (λ (x y) (<= (car x) (car y))))])
>> - (let loop ([levels levels]
>> - [major-dim 0])
>> - (cond
>> - [(null? levels) (void)]
>> - [else
>> - (let* ([level (car levels)]
>> - [n (car level)]
>> - [this-level-snips (cadr level)]
>> - [this-minor (apply + (map (if vertical?
>> - (λ (x) (get-snip-width x))
>> - (λ (x) (get-snip-height x)))
>> - this-level-snips))]
>> - [this-major (apply max (map (if vertical?
>> - (λ (x) (get-snip-height x))
>> - (λ (x) (get-snip-width x)))
>> - this-level-snips))])
>> - (let loop ([snips this-level-snips]
>> - [minor-dim (/ (- max-minor this-minor) 2)])
>> - (unless (null? snips)
>> - (let* ([snip (car snips)]
>> - [new-major-coord
>> - (+ major-dim
>> - (floor
>> - (- (/ this-major 2)
>> - (/ (if vertical?
>> - (get-snip-height snip)
>> - (get-snip-width snip))
>> - 2))))])
>> - (if vertical?
>> - (move-to snip minor-dim new-major-coord)
>> - (move-to snip new-major-coord minor-dim))
>> - (loop (cdr snips)
>> - (+ minor-dim
>> - (if vertical?
>> - (get-snip-hspace)
>> - (get-snip-vspace))
>> - (if vertical?
>> - (get-snip-width snip)
>> - (get-snip-height snip)))))))
>> - (loop (cdr levels)
>> - (+ major-dim
>> - (if vertical?
>> - (get-snip-vspace)
>> - (get-snip-hspace))
>> - this-major)))]))))
>> - (end-edit-sequence))
>> -
>> - (define/override (on-mouse-over-snips snips)
>> - (mouse-currently-over snips))
>> -
>> - (define/override (on-double-click snip event)
>> - (cond
>> - [(is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> - (let ([fn (send snip get-filename)])
>> - (when fn
>> - (handler:edit-file fn)))]
>> - [else (super on-double-click snip event)]))
>> -
>> - (define/override (on-event evt)
>> - (cond
>> - [(send evt button-down? 'right)
>> - (let ([ex (send evt get-x)]
>> - [ey (send evt get-y)])
>> - (let-values ([(x y) (dc-location-to-editor-location ex ey)])
>> - (let ([snip (find-snip x y)]
>> - [canvas (get-canvas)])
>> - (let ([right-button-menu (make-object popup-menu%)])
>> - (when (and snip
>> - (is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> - canvas
>> - (send snip get-filename))
>> - (instantiate menu-item% ()
>> - (label
>> - (trim-string
>> - (format open-file-format
>> - (path->string (send snip get-filename)))
>> - 200))
>> - (parent right-button-menu)
>> - (callback
>> - (λ (x y)
>> - (handler:edit-file
>> - (send snip get-filename))))))
>> - (instantiate menu-item% ()
>> - (label (string-constant module-browser-open-all))
>> - (parent right-button-menu)
>> - (callback
>> - (λ (x y)
>> - (let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> - (when snip
>> - (when (is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> - (let ([filename (send snip get-filename)])
>> - (handler:edit-file filename)))
>> - (loop (send snip next)))))))
>> - (send canvas popup-menu
>> - right-button-menu
>> - (+ (send evt get-x) 1)
>> - (+ (send evt get-y) 1))))))]
>> - [else (super on-event evt)]))
>> -
>> - (super-new)))
>> -
>> - (define (trim-string str len)
>> - (cond
>> - [(<= (string-length str) len) str]
>> - [else (substring str (- (string-length str) len) (string-length str))]))
>> -
>> - (define (level-mixin %)
>> - (class %
>> - (field (level #f))
>> - (define/public (get-level) level)
>> - (define/public (set-level _l)
>> - (when level
>> - (hash-set! level-ht level
>> - (remq this (hash-ref level-ht level))))
>> - (set! level _l)
>> - (hash-set! level-ht level
>> - (cons this (hash-ref level-ht level (λ () null)))))
>> -
>> - (super-instantiate ())))
>> -
>> - (define (boxed-word-snip-mixin %)
>> - (class* % (boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> - (init-field word
>> - filename
>> - lines
>> - pb)
>> -
>> - (inherit get-admin)
>> -
>> - (define require-phases '())
>> - (define/public (get-require-phases) require-phases)
>> - (define/public (add-require-phase d)
>> - (unless (member d require-phases)
>> - (set! last-name #f)
>> - (set! last-size #f)
>> - (set! require-phases (sort (cons d require-phases) < #:key (λ (x) (or x +inf.0))))))
>> -
>> - (field [special-children (make-hasheq)])
>> - (define/public (is-special-key-child? key child)
>> - (let ([ht (hash-ref special-children key #f)])
>> - (and ht (hash-ref ht child #f))))
>> - (define/public (add-special-key-child key child)
>> - (hash-set! (hash-ref! special-children key make-hasheq) child #t))
>> -
>> - (define/public (get-filename) filename)
>> - (define/public (get-word) word)
>> - (define/public (get-lines) lines)
>> -
>> - (field (lines-brush #f))
>> - (define/public (normalize-lines n)
>> - (if lines
>> - (let* ([grey (inexact->exact (floor (- 255 (* 255 (sqrt (/ lines n))))))])
>> - (set! lines-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush
>> - (make-object color% grey grey grey)
>> - 'solid)))
>> - (set! lines-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush
>> - "salmon"
>> - 'solid))))
>> -
>> - (define snip-width 0)
>> - (define snip-height 0)
>> -
>> - (define/override (get-extent dc x y wb hb descent space lspace rspace)
>> - (cond
>> - [(equal? (name->label) "")
>> - (set! snip-width 15)
>> - (set! snip-height 15)]
>> - [else
>> - (let-values ([(w h a d) (send dc get-text-extent (name->label) label-font)])
>> - (set! snip-width (+ w 5))
>> - (set! snip-height (+ h 5)))])
>> - (set-box/f wb snip-width)
>> - (set-box/f hb snip-height)
>> - (set-box/f descent 0)
>> - (set-box/f space 0)
>> - (set-box/f lspace 0)
>> - (set-box/f rspace 0))
>> -
>> - (define/public (set-found! fh?)
>> - (unless (eq? (and fh? #t) found-highlight?)
>> - (set! found-highlight? (and fh? #t))
>> - (let ([admin (get-admin)])
>> - (when admin
>> - (send admin needs-update this 0 0 snip-width snip-height)))))
>> - (define found-highlight? #f)
>> -
>> - (define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
>> - (let ([old-font (send dc get-font)]
>> - [old-text-foreground (send dc get-text-foreground)]
>> - [old-brush (send dc get-brush)]
>> - [old-pen (send dc get-pen)])
>> - (send dc set-font label-font)
>> - (cond
>> - [found-highlight?
>> - (send dc set-brush search-result-background 'solid)]
>> - [lines-brush
>> - (send dc set-brush lines-brush)])
>> - (when (rectangles-intersect? left top right bottom
>> - x y (+ x snip-width) (+ y snip-height))
>> - (send dc draw-rectangle x y snip-width snip-height)
>> - (send dc set-text-foreground (send the-color-database find-color
>> - (if found-highlight?
>> - search-result-text-color
>> - text-color)))
>> - (send dc draw-text (name->label) (+ x 2) (+ y 2)))
>> - (send dc set-pen old-pen)
>> - (send dc set-brush old-brush)
>> - (send dc set-text-foreground old-text-foreground)
>> - (send dc set-font old-font)))
>> -
>> - ;; name->label : path -> string
>> - ;; constructs a label for the little boxes in terms
>> - ;; of the filename.
>> -
>> - (define last-name #f)
>> - (define last-size #f)
>> -
>> - (define/private (name->label)
>> - (let ([this-size (send pb get-name-length)])
>> - (cond
>> - [(eq? this-size last-size) last-name]
>> - [else
>> - (set! last-size this-size)
>> - (set! last-name
>> - (case last-size
>> - [(short)
>> - (if (string=? word "")
>> - ""
>> - (string (string-ref word 0)))]
>> - [(medium)
>> - (let ([m (regexp-match #rx"^(.*)\\.[^.]*$" word)])
>> - (let ([short-name (if m (cadr m) word)])
>> - (if (string=? short-name "")
>> - ""
>> - (let ([ms (regexp-match* #rx"-[^-]*" short-name)])
>> - (cond
>> - [(null? ms)
>> - (substring short-name 0 (min 2 (string-length short-name)))]
>> - [else
>> - (apply string-append
>> - (cons (substring short-name 0 1)
>> - (map (λ (x) (substring x 1 2))
>> - ms)))])))))]
>> - [(long) word]
>> - [(very-long)
>> - (string-append
>> - word
>> - ": "
>> - (format "~s" require-phases))]))
>> - last-name])))
>> -
>> - (super-new)))
>> -
>> - (define word-snip/lines% (level-mixin (boxed-word-snip-mixin (graph-snip-mixin snip%))))
>> -
>> - (define draw-lines-pasteboard% (module-overview-pasteboard-mixin
>> - (graph-pasteboard-mixin
>> - pasteboard:basic%)))
>> - (new draw-lines-pasteboard% [cache-arrow-drawing? #t]))
>> + (module-overview/file filename parent fill-pasteboard overview-frame%))))
>> +
>> + (define (_module-overview/file filename parent)
>> + (module-overview/file filename parent fill-pasteboard overview-frame%))
>> + (define _make-module-overview-pasteboard make-module-overview-pasteboard)
>> ;
>> ;
>> @@ -703,26 +125,7 @@
>> ;
>> - (define (module-overview/file filename parent)
>> - (define progress-eventspace (make-eventspace))
>> - (define progress-frame (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> - (instantiate frame% ()
>> - (parent parent)
>> - (label progress-label)
>> - (width 600))))
>> - (define progress-message (instantiate message% ()
>> - (label "")
>> - (stretchable-width #t)
>> - (parent progress-frame)))
>> -
>> - (define thd
>> - (thread
>> - (λ ()
>> - (sleep 2)
>> - (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> - (queue-callback
>> - (λ ()
>> - (send progress-frame show #t)))))))
>> + (define (fill-pasteboard pasteboard filename show-status)
>> (define text/pos
>> (let ([t (make-object text:basic%)])
>> @@ -732,155 +135,6 @@
>> 0
>> (send t last-position))))
>> - (define update-label void)
>> -
>> - (define (show-status str)
>> - (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> - (queue-callback
>> - (λ ()
>> - (send progress-message set-label str)))))
>> -
>> - (define pasteboard (make-module-overview-pasteboard
>> - #f
>> - (λ (x) (update-label x))))
>> -
>> - (let ([success? (fill-pasteboard pasteboard text/pos show-status void)])
>> - (kill-thread thd)
>> - (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> - (queue-callback
>> - (λ ()
>> - (send progress-frame show #f))))
>> - (when success?
>> - (let ()
>> - (define frame (instantiate overview-frame% ()
>> - (label (string-constant module-browser))
>> - (width (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:window-width))
>> - (height (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:window-height))
>> - (alignment '(left center))))
>> - (define vp (instantiate vertical-panel% ()
>> - (parent (send frame get-area-container))
>> - (alignment '(left center))))
>> - (define root-message (instantiate message% ()
>> - (label
>> - (format (string-constant module-browser-root-filename)
>> - filename))
>> - (parent vp)
>> - (stretchable-width #t)))
>> - (define label-message (instantiate message% ()
>> - (label "")
>> - (parent vp)
>> - (stretchable-width #t)))
>> - (define font/label-panel (new horizontal-panel%
>> - [parent vp]
>> - [stretchable-height #f]))
>> - (define font-size-gauge
>> - (instantiate slider% ()
>> - (label font-size-gauge-label)
>> - (min-value 1)
>> - (max-value 72)
>> - (init-value (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size))
>> - (parent font/label-panel)
>> - (callback
>> - (λ (x y)
>> - (send pasteboard set-label-font-size (send font-size-gauge get-value))))))
>> - (define module-browser-name-length-choice
>> - (new choice%
>> - (parent font/label-panel)
>> - (label (string-constant module-browser-name-length))
>> - (choices (list (string-constant module-browser-name-long)
>> - (string-constant module-browser-name-very-long)))
>> - (selection (case (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:name-length)
>> - [(0) 0]
>> - [(1) 0]
>> - [(2) 0]
>> - [(3) 1]))
>> - (callback
>> - (λ (x y)
>> - ;; note: the preference drracket:module-browser:name-length is also used for
>> - ;; the View|Show Module Browser version of the module browser
>> - ;; here we just treat any pref value except '3' as if it were for the long names.
>> - (let ([selection (send module-browser-name-length-choice get-selection)])
>> - (preferences:set 'drracket:module-browser:name-length (+ 2 selection))
>> - (send pasteboard set-name-length
>> - (case selection
>> - [(0) 'long]
>> - [(1) 'very-long])))))))
>> -
>> - (define lib-paths-checkbox
>> - (instantiate check-box% ()
>> - (label lib-paths-checkbox-constant)
>> - (parent vp)
>> - (callback
>> - (λ (x y)
>> - (if (send lib-paths-checkbox get-value)
>> - (send pasteboard show-visible-paths 'lib)
>> - (send pasteboard remove-visible-paths 'lib))))))
>> -
>> - (define ec (make-object canvas:basic% vp pasteboard))
>> -
>> - (define search-hp (new horizontal-panel% [parent vp] [stretchable-height #f]))
>> - (define search-tf
>> - (new text-field%
>> - [label (string-constant module-browser-highlight)]
>> - [parent search-hp]
>> - [callback
>> - (λ (tf evt)
>> - (define val (send tf get-value))
>> - (define reg (and (not (string=? val ""))
>> - (regexp (regexp-quote (send tf get-value)))))
>> - (update-found-and-search-hits reg))]))
>> - (define search-hits (new message% [parent search-hp] [label ""] [auto-resize #t]))
>> - (define (update-found-and-search-hits reg)
>> - (send pasteboard begin-edit-sequence)
>> - (define count 0)
>> - (define phases (set))
>> - (let loop ([snip (send pasteboard find-first-snip)])
>> - (when snip
>> - (when (is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> - (define found?
>> - (and reg (regexp-match reg (path->string (send snip get-filename)))))
>> - (when (or (not reg) found?)
>> - (for ([phase (in-list (send snip get-require-phases))])
>> - (set! phases (set-add phases phase)))
>> - (set! count (+ count 1)))
>> - (send snip set-found! found?))
>> - (loop (send snip next))))
>> -
>> - (send search-hits set-label
>> - (string-append
>> - (if reg
>> - (format "~a found" count)
>> - (format "~a total" count))
>> - (render-phases phases)))
>> - (send pasteboard end-edit-sequence))
>> - (update-found-and-search-hits #f) ;; only to initialize search-hits
>> -
>> - (send lib-paths-checkbox set-value
>> - (not (memq 'lib (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:hide-paths))))
>> - (set! update-label
>> - (λ (s)
>> - (if (and s (not (null? s)))
>> - (let* ([currently-over (car s)]
>> - [fn (send currently-over get-filename)]
>> - [lines (send currently-over get-lines)])
>> - (when (and fn lines)
>> - (send label-message set-label
>> - (format filename-constant fn lines))))
>> - (send label-message set-label ""))))
>> -
>> - (send pasteboard set-name-length
>> - (case (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:name-length)
>> - [(0) 'long]
>> - [(1) 'long]
>> - [(2) 'long]
>> - [(3) 'very-long]))
>> - ;; shouldn't be necessary here -- need to find callback on editor
>> - (send pasteboard render-snips)
>> -
>> - (send frame show #t)))))
>> -
>> - (define (fill-pasteboard pasteboard text/pos show-status send-user-thread/eventspace)
>> -
>> (define progress-channel (make-async-channel))
>> (define connection-channel (make-async-channel))
>> @@ -978,7 +232,6 @@
>> complete-program?)
>> (semaphore-wait init-complete)
>> - (send-user-thread/eventspace user-thread user-custodian)
>> ;; this thread puts a "cap" on the end of the connection-channel
>> ;; so that we know when we've gotten to the end.
>> @@ -1041,7 +294,7 @@
>> (preferences:set 'drracket:module-overview:window-width w)
>> (preferences:set 'drracket:module-overview:window-height h)
>> (super on-size w h))
>> - (super-instantiate ()))))
>> + (super-new))))
>> (define/contract (render-phases s)
>> (-> (set/c (or/c exact-integer? #f)) string?)
>> @@ -1181,7 +434,6 @@
>> (match fn/submod
>> [(? path?) (add-module-code-connections fn/submod (get-module-code fn/submod))]
>> [`(submod ,filename ,sub-mods ...)
>> - (printf "looking in submods: ~s\n" sub-mods)
>> (add-module-code-connections
>> fn/submod
>> (get-module-code filename #:submodule-path sub-mods))]))
>> @@ -1247,9 +499,7 @@
>> (define (to-path r-mpi)
>> (match r-mpi
>> [(? path? p) p]
>> - [`(submod ,(? path? p) ,_ ...)
>> - (printf "aha! ~s\n" p)
>> - p]
>> + [`(submod ,(? path? p) ,_ ...) p]
>> [_ #f]))
>> (define (get-key dr requiring-libroot required)
>> @@ -1263,3 +513,872 @@
>> (cond [(symbol? a) 'lib]
>> [(pair? a) (and (symbol? (car a)) (car a))]
>> [else #f])))))
>> +
>> +(define (standalone-module-overview/file filename)
>> + (module-overview/file filename #f standalone-fill-pasteboard frame:basic%))
>> +
>> +(define (module-overview/file filename parent fill-pasteboard overview-frame%)
>> + (define progress-eventspace (make-eventspace))
>> + (define progress-frame (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> + (instantiate frame% ()
>> + (parent parent)
>> + (label progress-label)
>> + (width 600))))
>> + (define progress-message (instantiate message% ()
>> + (label "")
>> + (stretchable-width #t)
>> + (parent progress-frame)))
>> +
>> + (define thd
>> + (thread
>> + (λ ()
>> + (sleep 2)
>> + (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> + (queue-callback
>> + (λ ()
>> + (send progress-frame show #t)))))))
>> +
>> +
>> + (define update-label void)
>> +
>> + (define (show-status str)
>> + (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> + (queue-callback
>> + (λ ()
>> + (send progress-message set-label str)))))
>> +
>> + (define pasteboard (make-module-overview-pasteboard
>> + #f
>> + (λ (x) (update-label x))))
>> +
>> + (let ([success? (fill-pasteboard pasteboard filename show-status)])
>> + (kill-thread thd)
>> + (parameterize ([current-eventspace progress-eventspace])
>> + (queue-callback
>> + (λ ()
>> + (send progress-frame show #f))))
>> + (when success?
>> + (let ()
>> + (define frame (new overview-frame%
>> + [label (string-constant module-browser)]
>> + [width (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:window-width)]
>> + [height (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:window-height)]
>> + [alignment '(left center)]))
>> + (define vp (instantiate vertical-panel% ()
>> + (parent (send frame get-area-container))
>> + (alignment '(left center))))
>> + (define root-message (instantiate message% ()
>> + (label
>> + (format (string-constant module-browser-root-filename)
>> + filename))
>> + (parent vp)
>> + (stretchable-width #t)))
>> + (define label-message (instantiate message% ()
>> + (label "")
>> + (parent vp)
>> + (stretchable-width #t)))
>> + (define font/label-panel (new horizontal-panel%
>> + [parent vp]
>> + [stretchable-height #f]))
>> + (define font-size-gauge
>> + (instantiate slider% ()
>> + (label font-size-gauge-label)
>> + (min-value 1)
>> + (max-value 72)
>> + (init-value (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size))
>> + (parent font/label-panel)
>> + (callback
>> + (λ (x y)
>> + (send pasteboard set-label-font-size (send font-size-gauge get-value))))))
>> + (define module-browser-name-length-choice
>> + (new choice%
>> + (parent font/label-panel)
>> + (label (string-constant module-browser-name-length))
>> + (choices (list (string-constant module-browser-name-long)
>> + (string-constant module-browser-name-very-long)))
>> + (selection (case (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:name-length)
>> + [(0) 0]
>> + [(1) 0]
>> + [(2) 0]
>> + [(3) 1]))
>> + (callback
>> + (λ (x y)
>> + ;; note: the preference drracket:module-browser:name-length is also used for
>> + ;; the View|Show Module Browser version of the module browser
>> + ;; here we just treat any pref value except '3' as if it were for the long names.
>> + (let ([selection (send module-browser-name-length-choice get-selection)])
>> + (preferences:set 'drracket:module-browser:name-length (+ 2 selection))
>> + (send pasteboard set-name-length
>> + (case selection
>> + [(0) 'long]
>> + [(1) 'very-long])))))))
>> +
>> + (define lib-paths-checkbox
>> + (instantiate check-box% ()
>> + (label lib-paths-checkbox-constant)
>> + (parent vp)
>> + (callback
>> + (λ (x y)
>> + (if (send lib-paths-checkbox get-value)
>> + (send pasteboard show-visible-paths 'lib)
>> + (send pasteboard remove-visible-paths 'lib))))))
>> +
>> + (define ec (make-object canvas:basic% vp pasteboard))
>> +
>> + (define search-hp (new horizontal-panel% [parent vp] [stretchable-height #f]))
>> + (define search-tf
>> + (new text-field%
>> + [label (string-constant module-browser-highlight)]
>> + [parent search-hp]
>> + [callback
>> + (λ (tf evt)
>> + (define val (send tf get-value))
>> + (define reg (and (not (string=? val ""))
>> + (regexp (regexp-quote (send tf get-value)))))
>> + (update-found-and-search-hits reg))]))
>> + (define search-hits (new message% [parent search-hp] [label ""] [auto-resize #t]))
>> + (define (update-found-and-search-hits reg)
>> + (send pasteboard begin-edit-sequence)
>> + (define count 0)
>> + (define phases (set))
>> + (let loop ([snip (send pasteboard find-first-snip)])
>> + (when snip
>> + (when (is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> + (define found?
>> + (and reg (regexp-match reg (path->string (send snip get-filename)))))
>> + (when (or (not reg) found?)
>> + (for ([phase (in-list (send snip get-require-phases))])
>> + (set! phases (set-add phases phase)))
>> + (set! count (+ count 1)))
>> + (send snip set-found! found?))
>> + (loop (send snip next))))
>> +
>> + (send search-hits set-label
>> + (string-append
>> + (if reg
>> + (format "~a found" count)
>> + (format "~a total" count))
>> + (render-phases phases)))
>> + (send pasteboard end-edit-sequence))
>> + (update-found-and-search-hits #f) ;; only to initialize search-hits
>> +
>> + (send lib-paths-checkbox set-value
>> + (not (memq 'lib (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:hide-paths))))
>> + (set! update-label
>> + (λ (s)
>> + (if (and s (not (null? s)))
>> + (let* ([currently-over (car s)]
>> + [fn (send currently-over get-filename)]
>> + [lines (send currently-over get-lines)])
>> + (when (and fn lines)
>> + (send label-message set-label
>> + (format filename-constant fn lines))))
>> + (send label-message set-label ""))))
>> +
>> + (send pasteboard set-name-length
>> + (case (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:name-length)
>> + [(0) 'long]
>> + [(1) 'long]
>> + [(2) 'long]
>> + [(3) 'very-long]))
>> + ;; shouldn't be necessary here -- need to find callback on editor
>> + (send pasteboard render-snips)
>> +
>> + (send frame show #t)))))
>> +
>> +;; make-module-overview-pasteboard : boolean
>> +;; ((union #f snip) -> void)
>> +;; -> (union string pasteboard)
>> +;; string as result indicates an error message
>> +;; pasteboard as result is the pasteboard to show
>> +(define (make-module-overview-pasteboard vertical? mouse-currently-over)
>> +
>> + (define level-ht (make-hasheq))
>> +
>> + ;; snip-table : hash-table[sym -o> snip]
>> + (define snip-table (make-hash))
>> + (define label-font (find-label-font (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size)))
>> + (define text-color "blue")
>> +
>> + (define search-result-text-color "white")
>> + (define search-result-background "forestgreen")
>> +
>> + (define dark-syntax-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "darkorchid" 1 'solid))
>> + (define dark-syntax-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "darkorchid" 'solid))
>> + (define light-syntax-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "plum" 1 'solid))
>> + (define light-syntax-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "plum" 'solid))
>> +
>> + (define dark-template-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "seagreen" 1 'solid))
>> + (define dark-template-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "seagreen" 'solid))
>> + (define light-template-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "springgreen" 1 'solid))
>> + (define light-template-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "springgreen" 'solid))
>> +
>> + (define dark-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "blue" 1 'solid))
>> + (define dark-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "blue" 'solid))
>> + (define light-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "light blue" 1 'solid))
>> + (define light-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "light blue" 'solid))
>> +
>> + (define (module-overview-pasteboard-mixin %)
>> + (class* % (module-overview-pasteboard<%>)
>> +
>> + (inherit get-snip-location
>> + begin-edit-sequence
>> + end-edit-sequence
>> + insert
>> + move-to
>> + find-first-snip
>> + dc-location-to-editor-location
>> + find-snip
>> + get-canvas)
>> +
>> + ;; require-depth-ht : hash[(list snip snip) -o> (listof integer)]
>> + ;; maps parent/child snips (ie, those that match up to modules
>> + ;; that require each other) to phase differences
>> + (define require-depth-ht (make-hash))
>> +
>> + (define name-length 'long)
>> + (define/public (set-name-length nl)
>> + (unless (eq? name-length nl)
>> + (set! name-length nl)
>> + (re-add-snips)
>> + (render-snips)))
>> + (define/public (get-name-length) name-length)
>> +
>> + (field [max-lines #f])
>> +
>> + ;; controls if the snips should be moved
>> + ;; around when the font size is changed.
>> + ;; set to #f if the user ever moves a
>> + ;; snip themselves.
>> + (define dont-move-snips #f)
>> +
>> + (field (label-font-size (preferences:get 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size)))
>> + (define/public (get-label-font-size) label-font-size)
>> + (define/private (get-snip-hspace) (if vertical?
>> + 2
>> + (* 2 label-font-size)))
>> + (define/private (get-snip-vspace) (if vertical?
>> + 30
>> + 2))
>> + (define snip-height #f)
>> +
>> + (define font-label-size-callback-running? #f)
>> + (define new-font-size #f)
>> + (define/public (set-label-font-size size-to-set)
>> + (set! new-font-size size-to-set)
>> + (unless font-label-size-callback-running?
>> + (set! font-label-size-callback-running? #t)
>> + (queue-callback
>> + (λ ()
>> + (set! label-font-size new-font-size)
>> + (preferences:set 'drracket:module-overview:label-font-size
>> + new-font-size)
>> + (set! label-font (find-label-font label-font-size))
>> + (begin-edit-sequence)
>> + (let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> + (when snip
>> + (let ([admin (send snip get-admin)])
>> + (when admin
>> + (send admin resized snip #t)))
>> + (loop (send snip next))))
>> + (unless dont-move-snips
>> + (render-snips))
>> + (end-edit-sequence)
>> + (set! new-font-size #f)
>> + (set! font-label-size-callback-running? #f))
>> + #f)))
>> +
>> + (define/public (begin-adding-connections)
>> + (when max-lines
>> + (error 'begin-adding-connections
>> + "already in begin-adding-connections/end-adding-connections sequence"))
>> + (set! max-lines 0)
>> + (begin-edit-sequence)
>> + (let loop ()
>> + (let ([s (find-first-snip)])
>> + (when s
>> + (send s release-from-owner)
>> + (loop))))
>> + (set! level-ht (make-hasheq))
>> + (set! snip-table (make-hash)))
>> +
>> + (define/public (end-adding-connections)
>> + (unless max-lines
>> + (error 'end-adding-connections
>> + "not in begin-adding-connections/end-adding-connections sequence"))
>> +
>> + (unless (zero? max-lines)
>> + (let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> + (when snip
>> + (when (is-a? snip word-snip/lines%)
>> + (send snip normalize-lines max-lines))
>> + (loop (send snip next)))))
>> +
>> +
>> + (set! max-lines #f)
>> + (compute-snip-require-phases)
>> + (remove-specially-linked)
>> + (render-snips)
>> + (end-edit-sequence))
>> +
>> + (define/private (compute-snip-require-phases)
>> + (let ([ht (make-hash)]) ;; avoid infinite loops
>> + (for ([snip (in-list (get-top-most-snips))])
>> + (let loop ([parent snip]
>> + [depth 0]) ;; depth is either an integer or #f (indicating for-label)
>> + (unless (hash-ref ht (cons parent depth) #f)
>> + (hash-set! ht (cons parent depth) #t)
>> + (send parent add-require-phase depth)
>> + (for ([child (in-list (send parent get-children))])
>> + (for ([delta-depth (in-list (hash-ref require-depth-ht (list parent child)))])
>> + (loop child
>> + (and depth delta-depth (+ delta-depth depth))))))))))
>> +
>> + ;; add-connection : path/string/submod path/string/submod (union symbol #f) number -> void
>> + ;; name-original and name-require and the identifiers for those paths and
>> + ;; original-filename? and require-filename? are booleans indicating if the names
>> + ;; are filenames.
>> + (define/public (add-connection name-original name-require path-key require-depth)
>> + (unless max-lines
>> + (error 'add-connection "not in begin-adding-connections/end-adding-connections sequence"))
>> + (let* ([original-snip (find/create-snip name-original)]
>> + [require-snip (find/create-snip name-require)]
>> + [original-level (send original-snip get-level)]
>> + [require-level (send require-snip get-level)])
>> + (let ([require-depth-key (list original-snip require-snip)])
>> + (hash-set! require-depth-ht
>> + require-depth-key
>> + (cons require-depth (hash-ref require-depth-ht require-depth-key '()))))
>> + (case require-depth
>> + [(0)
>> + (add-links original-snip require-snip
>> + dark-pen light-pen
>> + dark-brush light-brush)]
>> + [else
>> + (add-links original-snip require-snip
>> + dark-syntax-pen light-syntax-pen
>> + dark-syntax-brush light-syntax-brush)])
>> + (when path-key
>> + (send original-snip add-special-key-child path-key require-snip))
>> + (if (send original-snip get-level)
>> + (fix-snip-level require-snip (+ original-level 1))
>> + (fix-snip-level original-snip 0))))
>> +
>> + ;; fix-snip-level : snip number -> void
>> + ;; moves the snip (and any children) to at least `new-level'
>> + ;; doesn't move them if they are already past that level
>> + (define/private (fix-snip-level snip new-min-level)
>> + (let loop ([snip snip]
>> + [new-min-level new-min-level])
>> + (let ([current-level (send snip get-level)])
>> + (when (or (not current-level)
>> + (new-min-level . > . current-level))
>> + (send snip set-level new-min-level)
>> + (for-each
>> + (λ (child) (loop child (+ new-min-level 1)))
>> + (send snip get-children))))))
>> +
>> + ;; find/create-snip : (union path string) boolean? -> word-snip/lines
>> + ;; finds the snip with this key, or creates a new
>> + ;; ones. For the same key, always returns the same snip.
>> + ;; uses snip-table as a cache for this purpose.
>> + (define/private (find/create-snip name)
>> + (define filename
>> + (match name
>> + [(? path-string?) (and (file-exists? name) name)]
>> + [`(submod ,p ,_ ...) (and (file-exists? p) p)]
>> + [else #f]))
>> + (hash-ref
>> + snip-table
>> + name
>> + (λ ()
>> + (define snip
>> + (new word-snip/lines%
>> + [lines (if filename (count-lines filename) #f)]
>> + [word
>> + (if filename
>> + (let ([short-name (let-values ([(_1 name _2) (split-path filename)])
>> + (path->string name))])
>> + (match name
>> + [(? path-string?) short-name]
>> + [`(submod ,p ,submods ...)
>> + (format "~s" `(submod ,short-name , at submods))]))
>> + (format "~a" name))]
>> + [pb this]
>> + [filename filename]))
>> + (insert snip)
>> + (hash-set! snip-table name snip)
>> + snip)))
>> +
>> + ;; count-lines : string[filename] -> (union #f number)
>> + ;; effect: updates max-lines
>> + (define/private (count-lines filename)
>> + (let ([lines
>> + (call-with-input-file filename
>> + (λ (port)
>> + (let loop ([n 0])
>> + (let ([l (read-line port)])
>> + (if (eof-object? l)
>> + n
>> + (loop (+ n 1))))))
>> + #:mode 'text)])
>> + (set! max-lines (max lines max-lines))
>> + lines))
>> +
>> + ;; get-snip-width : snip -> number
>> + ;; exracts the width of a snip
>> + (define/private (get-snip-width snip)
>> + (let ([lb (box 0)]
>> + [rb (box 0)])
>> + (get-snip-location snip lb #f #f)
>> + (get-snip-location snip rb #f #t)
>> + (- (unbox rb)
>> + (unbox lb))))
>> +
>> + ;; get-snip-height : snip -> number
>> + ;; exracts the width of a snip
>> + (define/private (get-snip-height snip)
>> + (let ([tb (box 0)]
>> + [bb (box 0)])
>> + (get-snip-location snip #f tb #f)
>> + (get-snip-location snip #f bb #t)
>> + (- (unbox bb)
>> + (unbox tb))))
>> +
>> + (field [hidden-paths (preferences:get 'drracket:module-browser:hide-paths)])
>> + (define/public (remove-visible-paths symbol)
>> + (unless (memq symbol hidden-paths)
>> + (set! hidden-paths (cons symbol hidden-paths))
>> + (refresh-visible-paths)))
>> + (define/public (show-visible-paths symbol)
>> + (when (memq symbol hidden-paths)
>> + (set! hidden-paths (remq symbol hidden-paths))
>> + (refresh-visible-paths)))
>> + (define/public (get-hidden-paths) hidden-paths)
>> +
>> + (define/private (refresh-visible-paths)
>> + (begin-edit-sequence)
>> + (re-add-snips)
>> + (render-snips)
>> + (end-edit-sequence))
>> +
>> + (define/private (re-add-snips)
>> + (begin-edit-sequence)
>> + (remove-specially-linked)
>> + (end-edit-sequence))
>> +
>> + (define/private (remove-specially-linked)
>> + (remove-currrently-inserted)
>> + (cond
>> + [(null? hidden-paths)
>> + (add-all)]
>> + [else
>> + (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
>> + (for ([snip (in-list (get-top-most-snips))])
>> + (insert snip)
>> + (let loop ([snip snip])
>> + (unless (hash-ref ht snip #f)
>> + (hash-set! ht snip #t)
>> + (for ([child (in-list (send snip get-children))])
>> + (unless (ormap (λ (key) (send snip is-special-key-child?
>> + key child))
>> + hidden-paths)
>> + (insert child)
>> + (loop child)))))))]))
>> +
>> + (define/private (remove-currrently-inserted)
>> + (let loop ()
>> + (let ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> + (when snip
>> + (send snip release-from-owner)
>> + (loop)))))
>> +
>> + (define/private (add-all)
>> + (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
>> + (for-each
>> + (λ (snip)
>> + (let loop ([snip snip])
>> + (unless (hash-ref ht snip (λ () #f))
>> + (hash-set! ht snip #t)
>> + (insert snip)
>> + (for-each loop (send snip get-children)))))
>> + (get-top-most-snips))))
>> +
>> + (define/private (get-top-most-snips) (hash-ref level-ht 0 (λ () null)))
>> +
>> + ;; render-snips : -> void
>> + (define/public (render-snips)
>> + (begin-edit-sequence)
>> + (let ([max-minor 0])
>> +
>> + ;; major-dim is the dimension that new levels extend along
>> + ;; minor-dim is the dimension that snips inside a level extend along
>> +
>> + (hash-for-each
>> + level-ht
>> + (λ (n v)
>> + (set! max-minor (max max-minor (apply + (map (if vertical?
>> + (λ (x) (get-snip-width x))
>> + (λ (x) (get-snip-height x)))
>> + v))))))
>> +
>> + (let ([levels (sort (hash-map level-ht list)
>> + (λ (x y) (<= (car x) (car y))))])
>> + (let loop ([levels levels]
>> + [major-dim 0])
>> + (cond
>> + [(null? levels) (void)]
>> + [else
>> + (let* ([level (car levels)]
>> + [n (car level)]
>> + [this-level-snips (cadr level)]
>> + [this-minor (apply + (map (if vertical?
>> + (λ (x) (get-snip-width x))
>> + (λ (x) (get-snip-height x)))
>> + this-level-snips))]
>> + [this-major (apply max (map (if vertical?
>> + (λ (x) (get-snip-height x))
>> + (λ (x) (get-snip-width x)))
>> + this-level-snips))])
>> + (let loop ([snips this-level-snips]
>> + [minor-dim (/ (- max-minor this-minor) 2)])
>> + (unless (null? snips)
>> + (let* ([snip (car snips)]
>> + [new-major-coord
>> + (+ major-dim
>> + (floor
>> + (- (/ this-major 2)
>> + (/ (if vertical?
>> + (get-snip-height snip)
>> + (get-snip-width snip))
>> + 2))))])
>> + (if vertical?
>> + (move-to snip minor-dim new-major-coord)
>> + (move-to snip new-major-coord minor-dim))
>> + (loop (cdr snips)
>> + (+ minor-dim
>> + (if vertical?
>> + (get-snip-hspace)
>> + (get-snip-vspace))
>> + (if vertical?
>> + (get-snip-width snip)
>> + (get-snip-height snip)))))))
>> + (loop (cdr levels)
>> + (+ major-dim
>> + (if vertical?
>> + (get-snip-vspace)
>> + (get-snip-hspace))
>> + this-major)))]))))
>> + (end-edit-sequence))
>> +
>> + (define/override (on-mouse-over-snips snips)
>> + (mouse-currently-over snips))
>> +
>> + (define/override (on-double-click snip event)
>> + (cond
>> + [(is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> + (let ([fn (send snip get-filename)])
>> + (when fn
>> + (handler:edit-file fn)))]
>> + [else (super on-double-click snip event)]))
>> +
>> + (define/override (on-event evt)
>> + (cond
>> + [(send evt button-down? 'right)
>> + (let ([ex (send evt get-x)]
>> + [ey (send evt get-y)])
>> + (let-values ([(x y) (dc-location-to-editor-location ex ey)])
>> + (let ([snip (find-snip x y)]
>> + [canvas (get-canvas)])
>> + (let ([right-button-menu (make-object popup-menu%)])
>> + (when (and snip
>> + (is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> + canvas
>> + (send snip get-filename))
>> + (instantiate menu-item% ()
>> + (label
>> + (trim-string
>> + (format open-file-format
>> + (path->string (send snip get-filename)))
>> + 200))
>> + (parent right-button-menu)
>> + (callback
>> + (λ (x y)
>> + (handler:edit-file
>> + (send snip get-filename))))))
>> + (instantiate menu-item% ()
>> + (label (string-constant module-browser-open-all))
>> + (parent right-button-menu)
>> + (callback
>> + (λ (x y)
>> + (let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
>> + (when snip
>> + (when (is-a? snip boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> + (let ([filename (send snip get-filename)])
>> + (handler:edit-file filename)))
>> + (loop (send snip next)))))))
>> + (send canvas popup-menu
>> + right-button-menu
>> + (+ (send evt get-x) 1)
>> + (+ (send evt get-y) 1))))))]
>> + [else (super on-event evt)]))
>> +
>> + (super-new)))
>> +
>> + (define (trim-string str len)
>> + (cond
>> + [(<= (string-length str) len) str]
>> + [else (substring str (- (string-length str) len) (string-length str))]))
>> +
>> + (define (level-mixin %)
>> + (class %
>> + (field (level #f))
>> + (define/public (get-level) level)
>> + (define/public (set-level _l)
>> + (when level
>> + (hash-set! level-ht level
>> + (remq this (hash-ref level-ht level))))
>> + (set! level _l)
>> + (hash-set! level-ht level
>> + (cons this (hash-ref level-ht level (λ () null)))))
>> +
>> + (super-instantiate ())))
>> +
>> + (define (boxed-word-snip-mixin %)
>> + (class* % (boxed-word-snip<%>)
>> + (init-field word
>> + filename
>> + lines
>> + pb)
>> +
>> + (inherit get-admin)
>> +
>> + (define require-phases '())
>> + (define/public (get-require-phases) require-phases)
>> + (define/public (add-require-phase d)
>> + (unless (member d require-phases)
>> + (set! last-name #f)
>> + (set! last-size #f)
>> + (set! require-phases (sort (cons d require-phases) < #:key (λ (x) (or x +inf.0))))))
>> +
>> + (field [special-children (make-hasheq)])
>> + (define/public (is-special-key-child? key child)
>> + (let ([ht (hash-ref special-children key #f)])
>> + (and ht (hash-ref ht child #f))))
>> + (define/public (add-special-key-child key child)
>> + (hash-set! (hash-ref! special-children key make-hasheq) child #t))
>> +
>> + (define/public (get-filename) filename)
>> + (define/public (get-word) word)
>> + (define/public (get-lines) lines)
>> +
>> + (field (lines-brush #f))
>> + (define/public (normalize-lines n)
>> + (if lines
>> + (let* ([grey (inexact->exact (floor (- 255 (* 255 (sqrt (/ lines n))))))])
>> + (set! lines-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush
>> + (make-object color% grey grey grey)
>> + 'solid)))
>> + (set! lines-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush
>> + "salmon"
>> + 'solid))))
>> +
>> + (define snip-width 0)
>> + (define snip-height 0)
>> +
>> + (define/override (get-extent dc x y wb hb descent space lspace rspace)
>> + (cond
>> + [(equal? (name->label) "")
>> + (set! snip-width 15)
>> + (set! snip-height 15)]
>> + [else
>> + (let-values ([(w h a d) (send dc get-text-extent (name->label) label-font)])
>> + (set! snip-width (+ w 5))
>> + (set! snip-height (+ h 5)))])
>> + (set-box/f wb snip-width)
>> + (set-box/f hb snip-height)
>> + (set-box/f descent 0)
>> + (set-box/f space 0)
>> + (set-box/f lspace 0)
>> + (set-box/f rspace 0))
>> +
>> + (define/public (set-found! fh?)
>> + (unless (eq? (and fh? #t) found-highlight?)
>> + (set! found-highlight? (and fh? #t))
>> + (let ([admin (get-admin)])
>> + (when admin
>> + (send admin needs-update this 0 0 snip-width snip-height)))))
>> + (define found-highlight? #f)
>> +
>> + (define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
>> + (let ([old-font (send dc get-font)]
>> + [old-text-foreground (send dc get-text-foreground)]
>> + [old-brush (send dc get-brush)]
>> + [old-pen (send dc get-pen)])
>> + (send dc set-font label-font)
>> + (cond
>> + [found-highlight?
>> + (send dc set-brush search-result-background 'solid)]
>> + [lines-brush
>> + (send dc set-brush lines-brush)])
>> + (when (rectangles-intersect? left top right bottom
>> + x y (+ x snip-width) (+ y snip-height))
>> + (send dc draw-rectangle x y snip-width snip-height)
>> + (send dc set-text-foreground (send the-color-database find-color
>> + (if found-highlight?
>> + search-result-text-color
>> + text-color)))
>> + (send dc draw-text (name->label) (+ x 2) (+ y 2)))
>> + (send dc set-pen old-pen)
>> + (send dc set-brush old-brush)
>> + (send dc set-text-foreground old-text-foreground)
>> + (send dc set-font old-font)))
>> +
>> + ;; name->label : path -> string
>> + ;; constructs a label for the little boxes in terms
>> + ;; of the filename.
>> +
>> + (define last-name #f)
>> + (define last-size #f)
>> +
>> + (define/private (name->label)
>> + (let ([this-size (send pb get-name-length)])
>> + (cond
>> + [(eq? this-size last-size) last-name]
>> + [else
>> + (set! last-size this-size)
>> + (set! last-name
>> + (case last-size
>> + [(short)
>> + (if (string=? word "")
>> + ""
>> + (string (string-ref word 0)))]
>> + [(medium)
>> + (let ([m (regexp-match #rx"^(.*)\\.[^.]*$" word)])
>> + (let ([short-name (if m (cadr m) word)])
>> + (if (string=? short-name "")
>> + ""
>> + (let ([ms (regexp-match* #rx"-[^-]*" short-name)])
>> + (cond
>> + [(null? ms)
>> + (substring short-name 0 (min 2 (string-length short-name)))]
>> + [else
>> + (apply string-append
>> + (cons (substring short-name 0 1)
>> + (map (λ (x) (substring x 1 2))
>> + ms)))])))))]
>> + [(long) word]
>> + [(very-long)
>> + (string-append
>> + word
>> + ": "
>> + (format "~s" require-phases))]))
>> + last-name])))
>> +
>> + (super-new)))
>> +
>> + (define word-snip/lines% (level-mixin (boxed-word-snip-mixin (graph-snip-mixin snip%))))
>> +
>> + (define draw-lines-pasteboard% (module-overview-pasteboard-mixin
>> + (graph-pasteboard-mixin
>> + pasteboard:basic%)))
>> + (new draw-lines-pasteboard% [cache-arrow-drawing? #t]))
>> +
>> +(define (standalone-fill-pasteboard pasteboard filename show-status)
>> + (define progress-channel (make-async-channel))
>> + (define connection-channel (make-async-channel))
>> +
>> + (define-values/invoke-unit process-program-unit
>> + (import process-program-import^)
>> + (export process-program-export^))
>> +
>> + (define user-custodian (make-custodian))
>> + (define error-str #f)
>> +
>> + (define init-dir (get-init-dir filename))
>> +
>> + (define (swallow-specials port)
>> + (define-values (in out) (make-pipe-with-specials))
>> + (thread
>> + (λ ()
>> + (let loop ()
>> + (define c (read-char-or-special in))
>> + (cond
>> + [(char? c)
>> + (display c out)
>> + (loop)]
>> + [(eof-object? c)
>> + (close-output-port out)
>> + (close-input-port in)]
>> + [else
>> + (loop)]))))
>> + out)
>> +
>> + (define done-chan (make-channel))
>> +
>> + (define user-thread
>> + (parameterize ([current-custodian user-custodian])
>> +
>> + ;; not that we expect anyone to really use this, but
>> + ;; we make it here to avoid the expanded code from interfereing
>> + ;; with the module browser
>> + (parameterize ([current-eventspace (make-eventspace)])
>> +
>> + (thread
>> + (λ ()
>> + (moddep-current-open-input-file
>> + (λ (filename)
>> + (let* ([p (open-input-file filename)]
>> + [wxme? (regexp-match-peek #rx#"^WXME" p)])
>> + (if wxme?
>> + (let ([t (new text%)])
>> + (close-input-port p)
>> + (send t load-file filename)
>> + (let ([prt (open-input-text-editor t)])
>> + (port-count-lines! prt)
>> + prt))
>> + p))))
>> + (current-load-relative-directory #f)
>> + (current-directory init-dir)
>> + (add-connections (if (string? filename)
>> + (string->path filename)
>> + filename))
>> + (channel-put done-chan #t))))))
>> +
>> + (send pasteboard begin-adding-connections)
>> + (let ([evt
>> + (choice-evt
>> + (handle-evt progress-channel (λ (x) (cons 'progress x)))
>> + (handle-evt connection-channel (λ (x) (cons 'connect x)))
>> + (handle-evt done-chan (λ (x) (cons 'done #f)))
>> + (handle-evt user-thread (λ (x) (cons 'died #f))))])
>> + (let loop ()
>> + (define evt-value (yield evt))
>> + (define key (car evt-value))
>> + (define val (cdr evt-value))
>> + (case key
>> + [(done) (void)]
>> + [(died) (exit)]
>> + [(progress)
>> + (show-status val)
>> + (loop)]
>> + [(connect)
>> + (define name-original (list-ref val 0))
>> + (define name-require (list-ref val 1))
>> + (define path-key (list-ref val 2))
>> + (define require-depth (list-ref val 3))
>> + (send pasteboard add-connection name-original name-require path-key require-depth)
>> + (loop)])))
>> + (send pasteboard end-adding-connections)
>> +
>> + (custodian-shutdown-all user-custodian)
>> +
>> + (cond
>> + [error-str
>> + (message-box
>> + (string-constant module-browser)
>> + (format (string-constant module-browser-error-expanding)
>> + error-str))
>> + #f]
>> + [else
>> + #t]))
>> pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/standalone-module-browser.rkt
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> --- /dev/null
>> +++ NEW/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/standalone-module-browser.rkt
>> @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
>> +#lang racket/base
>> +(require racket/cmdline racket/runtime-path)
>> +
>> +(define file (command-line #:args (file) file))
>> +
>> +(define-runtime-path module-browser.rkt "module-browser.rkt")
>> +(define standalone-module-overview/file
>> + (dynamic-require module-browser.rkt 'standalone-module-overview/file))
>> +
>> +(standalone-module-overview/file file)
>> pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/unit.rkt
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> --- OLD/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/unit.rkt
>> +++ NEW/pkgs/drracket-pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/unit.rkt
>> @@ -5342,4 +5342,3 @@
>> (check-true (string?
>> (compute-label-string
>> (string->path (make-string i #\x)))))))))
>> -
>> pkgs/string-constants-pkgs/string-constants-lib/string-constants/private/english-string-constants.rkt
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> --- OLD/pkgs/string-constants-pkgs/string-constants-lib/string-constants/private/english-string-constants.rkt
>> +++ NEW/pkgs/string-constants-pkgs/string-constants-lib/string-constants/private/english-string-constants.rkt
>> @@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ please adhere to these guidelines:
>> (module-browser-filename-format "Full Filename: ~a (~a lines)")
>> (module-browser-root-filename "Root Filename: ~a")
>> (module-browser-font-size-gauge-label "Font Size")
>> - (module-browser-progress-label "Module overview progress")
>> + (module-browser-progress-label "Module Browser Progress")
>> (module-browser-adding-file "Adding file: ~a...")
>> (module-browser-laying-out-graph-label "Laying out graph")
>> (module-browser-open-file-format "Open ~a")
> ...
> [Message clipped]