[racket-dev] [ANN] RacketCon 2013: 29 September

From: Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado (iam at juanfra.info)
Date: Wed May 8 13:20:43 EDT 2013

On 05/08/13 17:49, Asumu Takikawa wrote:
> RacketCon 2013
> --------------
> We are pleased to announce that (third RacketCon) will take place on
> September 29, 2013 at Northeastern University in Boston.  This year, we
> plan to bring in several speakers from industry, as well as host talks
> from Racket developers and users.
> Lunch will be provided.
> On the Saturday (28th) before RacketCon, we plan to hold a hackathon to work on
> various Racket projects.
> Registration will open during the summer, and we will post a detailed
> schedule of events around the same time. The conference website is at
>    http://con.racket-lang.org/
> Asumu Takikawa and PLT

Just a side comment. Can you enhance the definition of the videos this 
year?. The quality of the videos in youtube is very poor.

Posted on the dev mailing list.