[racket-dev] processing the internal-context of a mod?
So I'm revisiting some of the Whalesong code, and finally realized
that I'd been missing a crucial detail in the "internal-context" field
of modules.
I got it wrong because I didn't have to deal with namespaces before.
But since I'm trying to get the repl to work now, now I really do need
to get it righter.
I'm trying to understand the case analysis so that I can properly
generate the code to construct the namespace. The documentation says
I have four things to keep track of for internal-context:
case 1: #f: it's empty
case 2: #t: it's all the requires
case 3: stx: it's the lexical context of the wrapped syntax object
case 4: (vectorof stx): ???
Case 2 seems fairly straightforward to me: to construct the namespace
for a module, I take all the symbols defined in its prefix, and
combine that with all the exports of all the required modules.
It's the other two cases that I don't quite understand yet.
I'm a little less sure of case 3. I am guessing that I need to walk
the stx object and get the context entirely from it, not doing
anything like case 2. I have a guess that case 4 is just an
accumulation over case 3, but I'm not positive. I'm using the
following code to fiddle with internal-context to try
reverse-engineering its meaning:
#lang racket
(require compiler/zo-parse)
(define (inspect-internal-context code)
(define op (open-output-bytes))
(write (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(compile code))
(define parsed
(zo-parse (open-input-bytes (get-output-bytes op))))
;; Let's look at that internal context.
(mod-internal-context (compilation-top-code parsed)))
(inspect-internal-context '(module foo racket/base
(#%require (only racket first))))))
#;(inspect-internal-context '(module foo '#%kernel
(#%require (prefix list: racket/list)
(prefix bool: racket/bool))
(define-values (a-variable) 42)))
where I'm seeing a list of four wrapped values coming back at me, but
I don't yet discern any difference between the items, so I don't know
what this means yet. Here's what I'm seeing:
'(#s((module-rename wrap 0 zo 0)
(#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ())
#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ()))
((first . #s((exported-module-binding module-binding 0 zo 0)
#<module-path-index> #<module-path-index>)))
#s((module-rename wrap 0 zo 0)
(#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ())
#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ()))
((first . #s((exported-module-binding module-binding 0 zo 0)
#<module-path-index> #<module-path-index>)))
#s((module-rename wrap 0 zo 0)
(#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ())
#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ()))
((first . #s((exported-module-binding module-binding 0 zo 0)
#<module-path-index> #<module-path-index>)))
#s((module-rename wrap 0 zo 0)
(#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ())
#s((all-from-module zo 0) #<module-path-index> 0 0 () #f ()))
((first . #s((exported-module-binding module-binding 0 zo 0)
#<module-path-index> #<module-path-index>)))