[racket-dev] hex decoding?
db/private/mysql/connection.rkt does not export the function, otherwise you could.
On Jun 11, 2013, at 4:26 PM, David Vanderson wrote:
> Thank you Stephen and Tony for your examples. I found the following private function in db/private/mysql/connection.rkt:
> (define (hex-string->bytes s)
> (define (hex-digit->int c)
> (let ([c (char->integer c)])
> (cond [(<= (char->integer #\0) c (char->integer #\9))
> (- c (char->integer #\0))]
> [(<= (char->integer #\a) c (char->integer #\f))
> (+ 10 (- c (char->integer #\a)))]
> [(<= (char->integer #\A) c (char->integer #\F))
> (+ 10 (- c (char->integer #\A)))])))
> (unless (and (string? s) (even? (string-length s))
> (regexp-match? #rx"[0-9a-zA-Z]*" s))
> (raise-type-error 'hex-string->bytes
> "string containing an even number of hexadecimal digits" s))
> (let* ([c (quotient (string-length s) 2)]
> [b (make-bytes c)])
> (for ([i (in-range c)])
> (let ([high (hex-digit->int (string-ref s (+ i i)))]
> [low (hex-digit->int (string-ref s (+ i i 1)))])
> (bytes-set! b i (+ (arithmetic-shift high 4) low))))
> b))
> Can this function be exported? I'm willing to make a patch with docs and tests - is file/sha1 the right place?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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