[racket-dev] Project Idea to port Paredit mode to DrRacket.

From: Mayank Jain (firesofmay at gmail.com)
Date: Sun Jun 9 13:55:43 EDT 2013

Thanks guys for your valuable feedback. I'll go through the links and get
back to you.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 11:04 PM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:

> FWIW, I like the Alt-Arrows keybindings of DrRacket for moving around
> s-exp, but they can probably be improved.
> For example, Alt-Up goes up one level, and Alt-Shift-Up selects from the
> cursor's position to the left paren.
> It would probably be better if it selected the whole surrounding s-exp.
Thanks. Didn't know that.

> If you haven't seen it yet, you can also activate
> Edit/Racket/Automatically adjust closing parentheses.
> The new behavior of the double-quotes with this is great too (and goes
> slightly beyond paredit, IIUC).
While it does autocomplete the closing paren, it does not prevent you from
breaking the form if I accidentally delete the opening/closing paren.
Paredit does not allow you to do that. It gives you a very systematic way
of editing your code.

It does feel frustrating at first, but since I've been using it for a year
or so, I find that totally worth learning and porting.
Would love to hear someone's opinion on that in this community.

Thank you all.

> Laurent
> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Mayank Jain <firesofmay at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am participating in "Lisp in Summer Project"[0]. & Recently I stated
>> doing this course on coursera[1], and I realized that there is no
>> equivalent of paredit[2] mode in DrRacket (atleast I couldn't find anything
>> of that sort).
>> And I was wondering if I could work on porting it. Can anyone guide me
>> into what is possible? What I should be looking at etc?
>> I am a noob in Clojure and have basic familiarity with Emacs.
>> I love paredit[3], and I find that very crucial to using lisp dialects
>> and I found it very hard to work without it in DrRacket.
>> So was wondering about this idea.
>> Any feedback, suggestions, criticism etc would be great.
>> Thanks,
>> Mayank.
>> [0] : http://lispinsummerprojects.org/
>> [1] : https://class.coursera.org/programdesign-001/
>> [2] : https://github.com/emacsmirror/paredit
>> [3] : *http://emacsrocks.com/e14.html*
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