[racket-dev] snapshot builds

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 11 20:18:51 EDT 2013

At Thu, 11 Jul 2013 19:10:20 -0500, Robby Findler wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> >      #:name (make-name "Linux" "x86_64 32-bit, Precise Pangolin")
> >
> Should the line above say "64-bit"?


I also changed the platform descriptions a little (before the most
recent snapshot), so here's my latest configuration file, in case it's


#lang distro-build/config
(require racket/format)

(define server-base-url (~a "http://www.cs.utah.edu/plt/snapshots"
                            "/" (current-stamp) "/"))
(define build-plt (path->string (current-directory)))

(define (make-machs make-name base pkgs)
   #:server ""
   #:dist-base base
   #:pkgs pkgs
   ;; ----------------------------------------
   ;; Mac OS X variants:
    #:server "localhost"
    #:repo build-plt
    #:j 2
    ;; ----------------------------------------
     #:name (make-name "Mac OS X" "64-bit Intel")
     #:dir (string-append build-plt "/build/mac64")
     #:configure '("--enable-sdk6=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk"))
    ;; ----------------------------------------
     #:name (make-name "Mac OS X" "32-bit Intel")
     #:dir (string-append build-plt "/build/mac32")
     #:configure '("--enable-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk"
   ;; ----------------------------------------
   ;; Linux variants:
    ;; ----------------------------------------
     #:name (make-name "Linux" "64-bit x86_64, Precise Pangolin")
     #:vbox "ubuntu64"
     #:host ""
     #:dist-suffix "precise")
    ;; ----------------------------------------
     #:name (make-name "Linux" "32-bit i386, Precise Pangolin")
     #:vbox "ubuntu32"
     #:host ""
     #:dist-suffix "precise"))
   ;; ----------------------------------------
   ;; Windows variants:
    #:vbox "win7"
    #:host ""
    #:port 2022
    #:platform 'windows
    #:bits 64
    ;; ----------------------------------------
     #:name (make-name "Windows" "64-bit x64")
     #:dir "c:\\Users\\Dr Racket\\build64")
    ;; ----------------------------------------
     #:name (make-name "Windows" "32-bit x86")
     #:dir "c:\\Users\\Dr Racket\\build32"
     #:vc "x86"))))

(define ((make-make-name s) platform detail)
  (string-append s " | " platform " | " detail))

 #:dist-base-url server-base-url
 #:site-dest (build-path "/Users/racket/snapshots" (current-stamp))
  (make-make-name "Minimal Racket")
  #:clean? #f
   (make-make-name "Racket")

Posted on the dev mailing list.