[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3.2
On 01/17/2013 11:57 AM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> ntoronto:
> - math library (f2dc2027, 0936d8c2, 3670916a)
* The new `math' library provides functions and data structures for
working with numbers and collections of numbers. Functions include
non-elementary (such as gamma, zeta, Lambert's W), number-theoretic
(factorization, modular arithmetic), linear algebra (arithmetic,
decompositions), and statistical (expected values, order statistics,
binning). Data structures include arbitrary-precision bigfloats,
probability distributions, and multidimensional arrays. The library
is written in Typed Racket, but can be used in untyped Racket,
usually without much performance loss.
> - plot/typed (5a2aa226)
* Typed Racket programs can now (require plot/typed) to draw plots.
List- and vector-accepting functions now accept general sequences.
Neil ⊥