[racket-dev] module->language-info and submodules

From: Vincent St-Amour (stamourv at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 1 14:51:19 EST 2013

In all the cases I've tried, `module->language-info' returns `#f' when
passed a submodule path. Is that the intended behavior? If so, is there
a way to know which language a submodule is written in?

I've observed the same thing with `module-compiled-language-info'.

An example program is below.


#lang racket

(displayln ; prints: #(racket/language-info get-info #f)
  '(lib "math/private/matrix/untyped-matrix-arithmetic")
(displayln ; prints: #f
  ;; (module typed-multiply-defs typed/racket/base ...)
  '(submod (lib "math/private/matrix/untyped-matrix-arithmetic")

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