[racket-dev] draw-text always pixel aligned?
It seems that draw-text always pixel-aligns its text. In the example
below, I draw a black "hello" on top of a red one, with a pixel offset
of 0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . 0.9. At least for me, I see no change until 0.5,
where the black text jumps a whole pixel (see attached image).
Am I missing something? Do others see this behavior? (I'm on Linux)
#lang racket/gui
(define (draw-text dc offset)
(send dc set-text-foreground "red")
(send dc draw-text "hello" 0 0 #t)
(send dc set-text-foreground "black")
(send dc draw-text "hello" offset offset #t))
(define (draw-screen canvas dc)
(send dc set-smoothing 'smoothed)
(send dc set-font
(send the-font-list find-or-create-font
12 'default 'normal 'normal #f 'smoothed #f 'aligned))
(send dc set-initial-matrix (vector 1 0 0 1 0 0))
(for ((i 10))
(draw-text dc (/ i 10.0))
(send dc translate 50 0)))
(define frame (new frame% (label "Test draw-text")))
(define canvas
(new canvas%
(parent frame)
(min-width 500)
(min-height 100)
(paint-callback draw-screen)))
(send frame show #t)
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