[racket-dev] how to define a custom "null" in typed racket

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hashcollision.org)
Date: Thu Apr 11 18:32:06 EDT 2013

Perhaps something like this?

#lang typed/racket/base

(provide mynull mycar mycdr)

(struct: MyNull ())
(define mynull (MyNull))

(define-type MyListof (All (A) (Rec X (U MyNull (Pair A X)))))

(: mycar : (All (A) ((MyListof A) -> A)))
(define (mycar lst)
  (if (MyNull? lst)
      (error 'mycar "given list is empty")
      (car lst)))

(: mycdr : (All (A) ((MyListof A) -> (MyListof A))))
(define (mycdr lst)
  (if (MyNull? lst)
      (error 'mycdr "given list is empty")
      (cdr lst)))

where mynull is the singleton instance of the opaque structure type MyNull.

Posted on the dev mailing list.