[racket-dev] Top level is hopeless or bug?
Three hours ago, Asumu Takikawa wrote:
> -> (module foo racket (define x 0) (provide x))
> [...]
> -> (module foo racket (module* bar #f (define x 1) (provide x)))
> -> x
> ; readline-input:4:0: link: module mismatch;
> ; possibly, bytecode file needs re-compile because dependencies
This looks like a bad error message, and/or maybe something doesn't
assume that that internal links can change? -- Possibly similar to
-> (module foo racket (define x 0))
-> (module foo racket (provide x))
; stdin:2:28: module: provided identifier not defined or imported for phase 0
; at: x
> This is also interesting:
> Welcome to Racket v5.3.0.24.
> -> (module foo racket (define x 0) (provide x))
> [...]
> -> (module foo racket (define x 1) (provide x))
This is because the module is already instantiated, so you're trying
to mutate a constant. For example, this works:
-> (module foo racket (define x 0) (provide x))
-> (module foo racket (define x 1) (provide x))
-> (require 'foo)
And if you want to play such games:
-> (compile-enforce-module-constants #f)
-> (module foo racket (define x 0) (provide x))
-> (require 'foo)
-> x
-> (module foo racket (define x 1) (provide x))
-> x
(Or use `enter!' or xrepl etc...)
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!