[racket-dev] bug: internal typechecker error
As I was converting a program into typed racket in drscheme 5.3 I got an
internal typechecker error. Load the attached file and press run.
That should allow you to reproduce the problem.
-------------- next part --------------
#lang typed/racket
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(require file/md5)
(require (planet synx/stat))
(define *cache-file* (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ".dupfi.cache"))
(define *cache* (make-parameter (make-hash)))
(define *cache-diff-max* 1000)
(struct: file
((name : String)
(path : Path)
(chksum : Bytes))
(struct: dir
((name : String)
(path : Path)
(contents : (Listof file)))
(define old-cache?
(let ([cache-counter 0])
(lambda ()
(if (= cache-counter *cache-diff-max*)
(set! cache-counter 0)
(set! cache-counter (+ cache-counter 1))
(define (file< f1 f2)
; sort two files alphabetically
(string<? (file-name f1) (file-name f2)))
(define (file= f1 f2)
(and (file? f1) (file? f2)
(string=? (file-name f1) (file-name f2))
(bytes=? (file-chksum f1) (file-chksum f2))))
;; Returns hash table
;; (<path> (<modtime> . <hash>))
(define (read-cache)
(*cache* (make-hash))
(when (file-exists? *cache-file*)
(call-with-input-file *cache-file*
(lambda (in)
(let: loop : Void ([line : String (read-line in)])
(when (not (eof-object? line))
(let ([split-str (string-split line ",")])
[(not (= (length split-str) 3))
(printf "[1] read-cache fails, unexpected line in cache file: ~a, ignoring.~n" line)
(loop (read-line in))]
(let ([path (first split-str)]
[modtime (string->number (string-trim (second split-str)))]
[md5 (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-trim (third split-str)))])
[(or (not path) (not modtime) (not md5))
(printf "[2] read-cache fails, unexpected line in cache file: ~a, ignoring.~n" line)
(loop (read-line in))]
[(not modtime)
(error "fail")] ;; unreachable?
(hash-set! (*cache*) path (cons modtime md5))
(loop (read-line in))]))])))))
#:mode 'text))
(printf "cache has ~a entries~n" (hash-count (*cache*))))
(define (write-cache)
(call-with-output-file *cache-file*
(lambda (out)
(hash-for-each (*cache*)
(lambda (key val)
(when (not (string? key))
(error "writing cache failed, key is not string: " key))
(when (not (number? (car val)))
(error "writing cache failed, modtime is not number: " (car val)))
(when (not (bytes? (cdr val)))
(error "writing cache failed, md5 is not bytes: " (cdr val)))
(fprintf out "~a, ~a, ~a~n" key (car val) (bytes->string/utf-8 (cdr val))))))
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'replace))
(define (dump-cache)
(printf "CACHE DUMP:~n")
(hash-for-each (*cache*)
(lambda (key val)
(let ([modtime (car val)]
[md5 (cdr val)])
(printf "~a: ~a,~a~n"
key modtime md5))))
(printf "CACHE DUMP DONE~n"))
(define (make-file name path)
; Checks if file is in cache, if it is and modification seconds are the same, returns cached file.
; Otherwise, it calculates its md5sum and adds file to cache.
(let* ([fullpath (build-path path name)]
[modtime (file-or-directory-modify-seconds fullpath)]
[val (hash-ref (*cache*) (path->string fullpath) (lambda () #f))])
(if (and val (= (car val) modtime))
(printf "found cache for file ~a~n" (path->string fullpath))
(file name path (cdr val)))
(let ([md5 (begin
(printf "computing md5 for ~a~n" fullpath)
(if (normal-file? (type-bits fullpath))
(call-with-input-file fullpath md5)
(string->bytes/utf-8 "0")))])
(if (not val)
(printf "file not in cache: ~a~n" (path->string fullpath))
(printf "file is in cache but modify times are different: old ~a, new ~a~n" (car val) modtime))
(when val
(hash-remove! (*cache*) fullpath))
(hash-set! (*cache*) (path->string fullpath) (cons modtime md5))
(when (old-cache?)
(printf "found old cache, WRITING CACHE~n")
(file name path md5)))))
(define (chkfile p)
; path -> file
; given a path to a file that exists, it returns its structure
(when (not (file-exists? p))
(error 'chkfile "path ~a doesn't point to valid file" (path->string p)))
(let-values ([(base name must-be-dir?) (split-path p)])
(make-file (path->string name) base)))
(define (file-sig f)
(bytes-append (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-append (file-name f) ":")) (file-chksum f)))
(define (dir< d1 d2)
; sort two directories alphabetically with the directories coming first
(string<? (dir-name d1) (dir-name d2)))
(define (dir-contents< d1c d2c)
(cond [(and (dir? d1c) (dir? d2c))
(dir< d1c d2c)]
[(and (file? d1c) (file? d2c))
(file< d1c d2c)]
[(and (file? d1c) (dir? d2c))
[(and (dir? d1c) (file? d2c))
(define (dir= d1 d2)
; two directories are equal if their names are equal and their contents are equal
(and (dir? d1) (dir? d2)
(string=? (dir-name d1) (dir-name d2))
(= (length (dir-contents d1)) (length (dir-contents d2)))
(andmap (lambda (d1i d2i)
(cond [(and (file? d1i) (file? d2i))
(file= d1i d2i)]
[(and (dir? d1i) (dir? d2i))
(dir= d1i d2i)]
[else #f]))
(dir-contents d1) (dir-contents d2))))
(define (chkdir p)
; path -> dir
; given a path to a dir that exists, it returns its structure
(when (not (directory-exists? p))
(error 'chkdir "path ~a doesn't point to a valid directory" (path->string p)))
(let-values ([(base name must-be-dir?) (split-path p)])
(dir (path->string name) base
(sort (map (lambda (path)
(let ([path (build-path p path)])
(cond [(file-exists? path)
(printf "checking file ~a~n" path)
(chkfile path)]
[(directory-exists? path)
(printf "checking dir ~a~n" path)
(chkdir path)])))
(filter (lambda (path) (not (link-exists? (build-path p path)))) (directory-list p)))
(define (bytestring-xor* . bss)
(define (bytestring-xor bs1 bs2)
(let* ([bs1-lst (bytes->list bs1)]
[bs2-lst (bytes->list bs2)]
[bs1-len (length bs1-lst)]
[bs2-len (length bs2-lst)]
[diff (abs (- bs2-len bs1-len))])
(list->bytes (map bitwise-xor
(if (> bs2-len bs1-len)
(append bs1-lst (build-list diff (lambda (x) 0)))
(if (> bs1-len bs2-len)
(append bs2-lst (build-list diff (lambda (x) 0)))
(cond [(null? bss)
(error 'bytestring-xor* "needs at least 1 argument")]
[(null? (cdr bss))
(car bss)]
(bytestring-xor (car bss) (apply bytestring-xor* (cdr bss)))]))
(define (dir-sig d)
; the signature of a directory is the xor of all its contents, together with its name preppended
(let ([sigs (map (lambda (i)
(cond [(file? i)
(file-sig i)]
[(dir? i)
(dir-sig i)]))
(dir-contents d))])
(if (null? sigs)
(string->bytes/utf-8 (dir-name d))
(bytes-append (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-append (dir-name d) "@"))
(apply bytestring-xor* sigs)))))
(define (item-sig i)
(if (file? i)
(file-sig i)
(dir-sig i)))
(define (partition-items i)
(define (flatten-item i)
; return a list of dir and of all its content objects
(printf "f")
(if (file? i)
(list i)
(cons i (append-map flatten-item (dir-contents i)))))
(define (group-equal groups rem)
(printf "g")
(if (null? rem)
(let* ([item (caar rem)]
[sig (cdar rem)]
[rst (cdr rem)])
(let-values ([(item-dup others) (partition (lambda (i/sig) (bytes=? sig (cdr i/sig)))
(let ([dupitems (map car item-dup)])
(if (null? dupitems)
(group-equal groups others)
(group-equal (cons (cons item dupitems) groups)
(printf "Partitioning items")
(let* ([flat (begin (printf "Flattening~n") (flatten-item i))]
[sigs (begin (printf "Sigs~n") (map item-sig flat))]
[flat (map cons flat sigs)])
(group-equal '() flat)))
(define (simplify-groups groups)
(printf "Simplifying groups~n")
; Given a list of groups, it ensures the groups are as simple as possible.
; It follows the following rules:
(sort groups (lambda (a b)
(cond [(and (dir? (car a)) (dir? (car b)))
(< (apply min (map (compose length explode-path dir-path) a))
(apply min (map (compose length explode-path dir-path) b)))]
(and (dir? (car a)) (file? (car b)))]))))
(define (display-results groups)
(printf "Displaying groups~n")
(if (null? groups)
(printf "no duplicate files~n")
(for-each (lambda (group)
(printf "GROUP:~n")
(for-each (lambda (i)
(if (file? i)
(printf "F ~a~a: ~a~n"
(file-path i)
(file-name i)
(file-chksum i))
(printf "D ~a~a~n"
(dir-path i)
(dir-name i))))
(printf "--~n~n"))
(current-command-line-arguments (vector "/home/pmatos/Desktop/pmatos"))
(display-results (simplify-groups (partition-items (chkdir (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0)))))