[racket-dev] Apparently random segfaults in DrDr.

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Tue Oct 9 17:30:19 EDT 2012

On Oct 9, 2012, at 2:20 PM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

> The other day, I was reproducibly crashing fresh DrRacket 5.3 processes by invoking the Macro Stepper on a particular file.  (Not a seg fault; Linux out-of-memory killer would kill it after it got to close to 3GB RAM usage, since I don't use swap space.)
> By commenting-out macro uses, I was able to get DrRacket to not crash, but its RAM usage would fluctuate between 1.5GB and 800MB.  However, after the Macro Stepper rendered this time that it didn't crash, when I returned to DrRacket main window, the Definitions pane was blank white (scrollbar still there, and indicating some text about the size of my program, but no actual text visible in it, nor selectable).
> What was confusing was that the program was not very big, and made only light and simple use of macros.  But my attempts to trim it down to a smaller test case were unsuccessful.
> I don't recall seeing problems like this with the Macro Stepper before.  Even really complicated and questionable uses of macros, it has handled like a champ.  I suppose this could be a regression from 5.2.1 to 5.2.
> If someone is really interested, I will try to find the problematic file later tonight/tomorrow.

Well, that does sound valuable.  I should mention, though, that the file under consideration here is associated not with the macro stepper, but instead with the teaching-language evaluation stepper.


> Neil V.
> John Clements wrote at 10/09/2012 05:00 PM:
>> The message below suggests that evaluating "stepper-tool.rkt" caused… a seg fault. I'm chalking this up to "oh, DrRacket sometimes crashes", but I admit that it makes me a bit uncomfortable.
>> Advice or suggestions?
>> John
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: drdr at racket-lang.org
>>> Subject: [DrDr] R25433 (timeout 2) (unclean 2) (stderr 6) (changes 67)
>>> Date: October 9, 2012 8:04:40 AM PDT
>>> To: 
>>> clements at racket-lang.org
>>> DrDr has finished building push #25433 after 57.98m.
>>> http://drdr.racket-lang.org/25433/
>>> A file you are responsible for has a condition that may need inspecting.
>>>  unclean:
>>> http://drdr.racket-lang.org/25433/collects/stepper/stepper-tool.rkt
>> _________________________
>>   Racket Developers list:
>> http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev

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