[racket-dev] Math library initial commit almost ready; comments on issues welcome
Yesterday, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> I know
> What I mean is an _abstraction mechanism_ inside of TR. Possibly
> something that nobody else has.
And a quick reminder -- below is the ancient hack I once did for such
things, maybe something like this would be easier now. Possibly much
easier: if a type is (foo ...) and `foo' is phase-1-bound to a macro
(anything that is not a bound type), then just expand it -- so that in
Neil's case the code could be:
(define-syntax-rule (Xs->Xs T ...) (case-> (T -> T) ...))
(: foo : (Xs->Xs Zero Flonum Real Float-Complex Complex))
(Either way, this means that it's easy to create huge types, and
therefore stressing TR's not-too-fast typechecker, but it sounds like
not having an abstraction doesn't stand in Neil's way to write huge
types anyway.)
#lang typed-scheme
(require (for-syntax scheme/base scheme/private/at-syntax))
;; (define-syntax (STX stx)
;; (syntax-case stx ()
;; [(_ expr) (at-syntax #'expr)]))
(define-syntax (:: stx)
(syntax-case stx (:)
[(_ name : x ...)
(with-syntax ([(x ...) (map at-syntax (syntax->list #'(x ...)))])
#`(: name : x ...))]))
(define-for-syntax Number #'Number)
(define-for-syntax (T1 . -> . T2) #`(#,T1 -> #,T2))
(:: twice : (let ([n (Number . -> . Number)])
(n . -> . n)))
(define (twice f) (lambda (x) (f (f x))))
((twice add1) 10)
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!