[racket-dev] racket/gui performance problem when using lots of items in table-panels
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On 19-07-12 16:59, Marijn wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been having some performance problems when using lots of items
> in table-panels[1]. Switching tabs when running the following
> example exhibits the problem. Can anything be done about it?
So it seems a missing container-sequence block was causing unnecessary
extra problems. With it switching tabs is a lot less painful. However,
unfortunately trying to resize the window when showing the second tab
is still glacial/unusable.
Some clarifications:
1) I'm not claiming the problem is in the table-panel class. I'm just
using it as my vehicle to put lots of widgets on the screen. As far as
I can judge there is nothing in table-panel that could cause this
performance problem.
2) This is a test case reduced from a real program. Therefore the way
it goes about recreating widgets cannot be justified without the
context of the larger program. It is still not very small, but I did
not see a way to make it any smaller without destroying the essential
behavior. You can find a reduced test case for just the window
resizing problem below.
Slightly adapted code:
#lang racket/gui
;(require (planet williams/table-panel:1:1/table-panel))
(require "table-panel.rkt")
;;; The top-level frame
(define frame
(new frame%
(label "Table Panel Perf Test")
(width 500) (height 500)))
(define (current-root-tab)
(vector-ref root-tab-vector (send root-tab-panel get-selection)) )
(define (delete-all-children area)
#;(for ((child (send area get-children)))
(send area delete-child child))
(send area change-children
(lambda (children) '())) )
(define (root-tab-callback tab-panel event)
(send root-tab-panel change-children
(lambda (children) (list (current-root-tab)))) )
(define root-tab-panel
(new tab-panel%
(choices '()#;tab-names)
(parent frame)
(callback root-tab-callback)))
(define nr-rows 25)
(define nr-cols 20)
(define on-show-refresh-panel%
(class table-panel%
(init-field refresher)
(define/override (on-superwindow-show shown?)
(when shown?
(displayln "refreshing!")
(send this begin-container-sequence)
(refresher this)
(send this end-container-sequence)))
(define tab1
(new panel% (parent root-tab-panel)))
(define (build-tab2 tab2)
(delete-all-children tab2)
(for* ((r nr-rows)
(c nr-cols))
(new button%
(parent tab2)
(label (format "~a,~a" r c))
(stretchable-width #t)
(stretchable-height #t)
(lambda (button event)
(printf "~a~n"
(send button get-label)))) ) ))
(define tab2
(new on-show-refresh-panel% (parent root-tab-panel)
(style '(deleted))
(alignment '(center center))
(dimensions `(,nr-rows ,nr-cols))
(refresher build-tab2)))
(define tabs
`((,tab1 . "Tab 1")
(,tab2 . "Tab 2")))
(define tab-names (map cdr tabs))
(define root-tab-vector (list->vector (map car tabs)))
(send root-tab-panel set tab-names)
(send frame show #t)
The window resizing problem is also exhibited by this reduced test case:
#lang racket/gui
;(require (planet williams/table-panel:1:1/table-panel))
(require "table-panel.rkt")
(define frame
(new frame%
(label "Window Resize Perf Test")
(width 500) (height 500)))
(define nr-rows 30)
(define nr-cols 25)
(define panel
(new table-panel% (parent frame) (dimensions `(,nr-rows ,nr-cols)) ))
(for* ((r nr-rows)
(c nr-cols))
(new button%
(parent panel)
(label (format "~a,~a" r c))
(stretchable-width #t)
(stretchable-height #t)
(lambda (button event)
(printf "~a~n"
(send button get-label)))) ) )
(send frame show #t)
Thanks for any help,
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