[racket-dev] Code micro-level organization
I know about package-begin, it's just not worth it if I need to bring
in another require and add package-begin
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Ryan Culpepper <ryan at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> On 05/31/2012 02:54 PM, Jay McCarthy wrote:
>> I was clapping through the majority of your email.
>> I want define* so bad.
> You can use define*; just put it inside of package-begin:
> > (require racket/package)
> > (package-begin
> (define* x 1)
> (define* x (+ 2 x))
> x)
> 3
> I don't think I like the idea of making the internal definition contexts of
> racket/base forms act like package-begin, though.
> Ryan
>> I use compose and curry a lot (even though I know their performance
>> problems) because it don't have to name things.
>> I like the idea of the -> thing with the down and up arrows. I see a
>> value in both arrows. I also like Jon's suggestion of a 'last' id...
>> although I'd also want<0> through<n> or something to refer to so
>> many spots back.
>> Jay
>> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Eli Barzilay<eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
>>> I'm going to ramble a bit about organizing code, trying to look for an
>>> idea for a good solution -- so spread a few kgs of salt over the
>>> following (if you care to read it).
>>> The problem that I'm talking about has several manifestations. The
>>> most obvious one is code-drift towards the RHS. A less obvious
>>> problem is how it's sometimes hard to read code. To use a cooked up
>>> example:
>>> (let ([str (string-trim (substring "foo bar baz" 3 8))])
>>> (and (regexp-match? #rx"^[a-z].*[a-z]$" str)
>>> (string-append "*" str "*")))
>>> to read this, you start from the string literal, then read the
>>> `substring' expression, then `string-trim', then the `let' binding,
>>> then the `and' and finally the `string-append'[*]. To relate this to the
>>> above: besides the right-drift (which is of course very minor here),
>>> it takes time to "internalize" the rules of the language that leads to
>>> this, which is a problem for people new to functional programming with
>>> it's heavy use of nested function calls. More than that, I think that
>>> it's also a problem for *experienced* hackers too -- to see what I
>>> mean, open up any random piece of code that deals with an area you're
>>> not familiar with, and try to read through it. Personally, I often
>>> find myself in such situations "reading" the actual ordering as I go
>>> through the code, and that's fragile since I need to keep mental
>>> fingers at various locations in the code in question, sometimes even
>>> using my real fingers...
>>> You'd probably recognize that there's a whole bunch of tools that are
>>> trying to make things better. A few random ones that I can think of
>>> are:
>>> * The new semantics& blessing for using `define' forms instead of
>>> `let' etc makes code easier to read and avoids some right-drift.
>>> * There's the need (which I recently talked to at NEU) for some kind
>>> of a `define*' form that can be used as a definition with a `let*'
>>> scope. For those who weren't there, the summary of the issue is
>>> something that Jay once said -- that he sometimes uses
>>> (define x0 ...)
>>> (define x1 (... x0 ...))
>>> (define x2 (... x1 ...))
>>> because he wants to avoid a `let*'.
>>> * The old `scheme/nest' is a direct attempt to prevent drift for
>>> some kinds of nestings.
>>> * There's the related suggestion for extending the reader with
>>> something like `$' or `//' that closes the rest of the sexpr in
>>> its own set of parens.
>>> * Every once in a while there's a suggestion to invert conversion
>>> functions, eg, turn `string->number' into `number<-string' so it
>>> reads out better. In a similar direction, there are sometimes
>>> suggestions to use `compose' to make things more readable, as in
>>> ((compose f1 f2 f3 f4) x)
>>> vs
>>> (f1 (f2 (f3 (f4 x))))
>>> and the textual mess that the latter tends to end up as with real
>>> names.
>>> * srfi-2 defines an `and-let*' which is addressing a common pattern
>>> of interleaving nested `let's and `and's. Actually, `cond' itself
>>> is addressing this kind of problem too, so add here various
>>> suggestions for extending `cond' with binders, anaphoric forms
>>> etc.
>>> * Recently, I looked at some clojure pages (to hunt for new
>>> extensions to `racket/list'), and I saw that they have a
>>> "threading form" using `->' that expresses nested function calls.
>>> See this here:
>>> http://clojuredocs.org/clojure_core/clojure.core/-%3E
>>> and note also the other three variants, `->>' `-?>' and `-?>>',
>>> * (The list goes on...)
>>> (One common theme in all of these is that they're tools that none of
>>> them are tools that are needed -- they're all just ways to make code
>>> look better.)
>>> I actually started thinking about this when I saw the clojure thing.
>>> The first thing that is limited about it is that it has four forms,
>>> where the reason for the `->' vs `->>' split is to put the nesting in
>>> a different argument position. To summarize (and IIUC):
>>> (-> x
>>> (foo 1 2)
>>> (bar y))
>>> expands to
>>> (bar (foo x 1 2) y)
>>> whereas using a `->>' would make it expand to
>>> (bar y (foo 1 2 x))
>>> Not only does it seem to me bad to have two bindings for this, we also
>>> have the usual problem of the order-defying `regexp-replace' where
>>> usually the action happens in the *middle* argument... (Which is how
>>> it ends up being a common example in showing these problems, as
>>> happened recently.)
>>> In any case, this looks like an easy thing to fix by adding an
>>> explicit marker to the point where the nesting happens. For example,
>>> imagine a form that looks like this:
>>> (○ x
>>> (foo 1<> 2)
>>> (bar y<>))
>>> that expands to (bar y (foo 1 x 2)). (The reason that clojure has two
>>> other forms (`-?>' and `-?>>') is something that is related to the
>>> below, so I'll skip it for now.)
>>> The next thing that I tried is to contrast this with `nest'. The
>>> difference between them is that while both lead to a simpler syntax
>>> for nested expressions, they do the nesting in different directions,
>>> where (*very* roughly speaking) `->' nests things downwards and `nest'
>>> nests them upwards:
>>> (-> X Y) nests X into Y
>>> (nest X Y) nests Y into X
>>> or more generally:
>>> (-> X Y0 Y ...) nests X into Y0 and nests the results with Y ...
>>> (nest X Y ...) nests the result of nesting Y ... into X
>>> So I tried to see if I can come up with something that can kill both
>>> birds -- which is why I started with the above example:
>>> (let ([str (string-trim (substring "foo bar baz" 3 8))])
>>> (and (regexp-match? #rx"^[a-z].*[a-z]$" str)
>>> (string-append "*" str "*")))
>>> Now, lets imagine that instead of a simple `<>' hole, there are two
>>> kinds of holes with an "up" or a "down" direction -- this leads to
>>> this kind of a syntax:
>>> (○ "foo bar baz"
>>> (substring ↑ 3 8)
>>> (string-trim ↑)
>>> (let ([str ↑]) ↓)
>>> (and (regexp-match? #rx"^[a-z].*[a-z]$" str) ↓)
>>> (string-append "*" str "*"))
>>> where you can read `↑' as "the above" and `↓' as "the below". The
>>> thing that makes me excited about this is how you can read this as the
>>> above [*] reading.
>>> There are still some problems with this though. One problem is that
>>> it can be ambiguous -- for example, I had this as one experiement:
>>> (○ (let ([str "foo bar baz"]) ↓)
>>> (substring str 3 8)
>>> (string-trim ↑)
>>> (string-append "*" ↑ "*"))
>>> where the upward nesting could happen first -- this ambiguity is easy
>>> to resolve if there's a simple rule for merging the first two
>>> expressions repeatedly, stopping with an error if there's not exactly
>>> one down arrow in the first or one up arrow in the second; and
>>> finishing when there's one expression (throwing an error if it still
>>> has arrows). Using this, the expansion of the above goes with these
>>> steps:
>>> ... ->
>>> (○ (let ([str "foo bar baz"]) (substring str 3 8))
>>> (string-trim ↑)
>>> (string-append "*" ↑ "*"))
>>> ->
>>> (○ (string-trim (let ([str "foo bar baz"]) (substring str 3 8)))
>>> (string-append "*" ↑ "*"))
>>> ->
>>> (○ (string-append "*" (string-trim (let ([str "foo bar baz"]) (substring
>>> str 3 8))) "*"))
>>> ->
>>> (string-trim (let ([str "foo bar baz"]) (substring str 3 8)))
>>> It's also unclear if this is generic enough though. I vaguely suspect
>>> that there might be cases where you want arrows from multiple places
>>> in the form which makes this a kind of a literate-programming-like
>>> tool for micro-level code organization (and yes, I intensely dislike
>>> LP, so that's would be a bad thing). In addition, something like this
>>> should really have simple rules for how it works, otherwise it not
>>> something that anyone would want to use or read.
>>> BTW, I take the `nest' experiment as an example: the form itself is,
>>> IMO, perfectly fine, but it suffered from having too much parentheses,
>>> which makes it hard to use. One thing I like in the above is that the
>>> explicit arrow markers make it much easier to read -- I think that
>>> this is also an advantage over the clojure threading forms, where you
>>> see a form like (take 10) and you have to look back at the arrow kind
>>> that was used to know what this really is.
>>> In any case, any thoughts about this? I'd especially appreciate
>>> little code layout horrors you might encounter, to see how such a form
>>> can deal with them. Feel free to reply off-list to avoid premature
>>> bike-shedding. (I'm *not* going to commit anything -- this is just
>>> trying to roll around the idea to see if there's any point in doing
>>> something like this. *If* there is enough interest, then I'll post a
>>> concrete suggestion when I have one.)
>>> --
>>> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
>>> http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!
>>> _________________________
>>> Racket Developers list:
>>> http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93