[racket-dev] emscripten?
On 05/09/2012 05:09 PM, John Clements wrote:
> In particular, I would expect the JIT to be totally broken, and that
> there would be a lot of painful parts related to linking to standard
> libraries, but the resulting program could actually do client-side
> compilation in a web browser, right?
Yep. My initial experiments in this direction suggested that getting it
to compile and run with emscripten was Difficult. I didn't put very much
effort into it though. I don't remember exactly where I got stuck, but
the attached is a build script I was using to try to iterate closer and
closer to an appropriately-configured and -compiled Racket.
-------------- next part --------------
# First, mkdir .../racket/src/build, then from there, run this script.
AR=$EMSCRIPTEN_PATH/emmaken.py \
CXX=$EMSCRIPTEN_PATH/emmakenxx.py \
CC=$EMSCRIPTEN_PATH/emmaken.py \
../configure \
--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--target=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--enable-racket="`which racket`" \
--disable-gracket \
--disable-plot \
--disable-jit \
--disable-foreign \
--disable-pthread \
--disable-futures \
sed -i bak -e 's:/\* #undef MZ_CAS_AVAILABLE \*/:#define MZ_CAS_AVAILABLE 1:' racket/mzconfig.h
echo '#define NO_TCP_SUPPORT 1' >> racket/mzconfig.h
echo '#define SCHEME_PLATFORM_LIBRARY_SUBPATH "js-emscripten-0.0"' > racket/src/schsys.h
touch racket/starter