[racket-dev] racket-5.2.900.1-20120725 read ill-formed code error ?

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Thu Jul 26 17:42:09 EDT 2012

This version :2:0 is a better test case than :1:1 :

#lang racket/base
(require (planet neil/html-template:2:=0))
(html-template (hr (@ (clear "all") (id "foo"))))

Neil Van Dyke wrote at 07/26/2012 05:33 PM:
> Definitely looks like a Racket bug (or really broken hardware/OS)...
> If I start DrRacket 5.2.900.1-20120725 and load up the below file, the 
> first few clicks on the Run button give the "ill-formed code error", 
> and then, after trying the Run button for 10+ seconds, suddenly Run 
> starts working.
> #lang racket/base
> (require (planet neil/html-template:1:=1))
> (html-template (hr (@ (clear "all") (id "foo"))))
> If I quit DrRacket and start it back up, the problem is reproducible.
> Problem with background optimizing of some kind?
> That's all I can spend on this right now; hopefully other people can 
> reproduce based on this info.
> Neil V.
> Neil Van Dyke wrote at 07/26/2012 05:18 PM:
>> Anyone know offhand why this error with 5.3 pre-release from yesterday?
>> UNKNOWN: : read (compiled): ill-formed code [./../src/validate.c:1573]
>>   context...:
>> /usr/local/racket-5.2.900.1-20120725/lib/racket/collects/racket/private/map.rkt:53:19: 
>> loop
>> /home/user/.racket/planet/300/5.2.900.1/cache/neil/html-template.plt/1/1/html-template.rkt:103:0: 
>> %html-template:transform
>> /home/user/.racket/planet/300/5.2.900.1/cache/neil/html-template.plt/1/1/html-template.rkt:523:0 
>> I built Racket from source.  32-bit x86 on Debian Stable.  I don't 
>> think there are any old versions of code in "compiled" directories 
>> being picked up, but I might have missed some, but I'd expect get an 
>> error message about the version mismatch.  PLaneT "html-template:1:1" 
>> is currently a bit messy with syntax objects and phases, and might be 
>> doing something questionable that 5.2.1 permitted.  This works fine 
>> with Racket 5.2.1.
>> Unfortunately, I don't have time to debug at this moment.  I'm 
>> posting now because I understand that a release is close, and I don't 
>> know how likely it is that this is a Racket bug.
>> Neil V.
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