[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3

From: Stephen Chang (stchang at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Jul 25 15:14:36 EDT 2012

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Stephen Chang <stchang at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>> * Stephen Chang <stchang at ccs.neu.edu>
>>   - Lazy Racket Tests
> Pass
>>   - Lazy stepper tests
> Fail, but I assume commit 25068 fixes the problems (in the process of
> confirming now.)

With 25068, all the stepper tests pass.

>> * Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org>
>>   - Swindle Tests
>>   - XREPL Tests
>>   - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
>>   - Run the unix installer tests
>>   - Run zsh completions tests ("_racket --self-test")
>>   Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
>>   number in:
>>   - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
>>   - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt
>> * Stephen Bloch <sbloch at adelphi.edu>
>>   - Picturing Programs Tests
>> * Greg Cooper <greg at cs.brown.edu>
>>   - FrTime Tests
>> * Carl Eastlund <cce at ccs.neu.edu>
>>   - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)
>> * Jon Rafkind <rafkind at cs.utah.edu>
>>   Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
>>   - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
>>     compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
>>     this stage).
>>   - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
>>     both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
>>   [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
>>    the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available]
>> * Mike Sperber <sperber at deinprogramm.de>
>>   - DMdA Tests
>>   - Stepper Tests
>>   - Signature Tests
>> * David Van Horn <dvanhorn at ccs.neu.edu>
>>   - EoPL Tests
>> * Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com>
>>   - Plot Tests
>> * Doug Williams <m.douglas.williams at gmail.com>
>>   - Additional Plot Tests
>> * Danny Yoo <dyoo at cs.wpi.edu>
>>   - Whalesong Tests (confirm that Whalesong runs from PLaneT)
>> * Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk at cs.brown.edu>
>>   Tour: check the tour and generate a new one if needed.
>>   [Note: Since this is a v5.2.900.1 build, you will need to edit your
>>     .../collects/framework/private/version.rkt
>>   file and change `(version)' to `"5.3"'.]

Posted on the dev mailing list.