[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3
Below is a rough list of additions and changes for v5.3. If you
are responsible for a change, please either elaborate it into an
announcement item or tell me if it shouldn't be included in the
announcement. Let me know if I've missed something.
- ffi/com, ffi/unsafe/com (ff41a896)
- scribble xref change (a1fd742e)
- "raco exe" can make launchers (2c479683)
- prop:cpointer (6cd2e3c7)
- handle-evt change to match doc (084278fa)
- MysterX changes: ffi/com, removed ActiveX support (11de33d4)
- openssl improvements (efcb6078, 1032ce8a)
- submodules (3d69dfab)
- racket/draw easier access to cairo (4f197f4b)
- use AVL trees for immutable hashes (df0651c2)
- (turon) add box-cas!, etc (868dcb6d)
- libpng15/libpng12 (c5d3750d)
- sgl/gl: NURBS (a55a20f9)
- new error message convention
- date/time stuff (ff8a062b, 4323096a)
- changed module-name-resolver interface (c8f4ac6a)
- grammar cycle check (93c21e34)
- hole equality? (2afda360)
- side-condition, define-judgment-form (b3c450ff)
- -> contract optimizations (3f6a8355)
- define-union-language (e4e4d70b)
- plai changes (c42675f8)
- add make-platform-bitmap (1945ff27)
- define-extended-judgment-form (b7caf411)
- drracket run 'main' submodule (72ec4070)
- drracket easter egg tests (617df05e)
- drracket run 'test' submodule (5c7a299c)
- added context/path to contract errors (81252541)
- added struct/dc, etc (5e03c7cf)
- deprecate define-contract-struct (52fa588f)
- regexp improvements (0eb5f09e)
- json library (b35d1b01, 54021323)
- xrepl improvements (89dee6f6)
- add completions for zsh (904d2666)
- doc search improvement (ecc43ff1)
- added would-be-future (a5676e9a)
- added futures visualizer (b6f71ec4)
- added db cursors
- added statement cache
- syntax/parse template (exp)
- syntax/parse roles
- class/c changes (3eb963f6)
- class contracts for racket/draw, racket/snip (30311058, 2e1d59f7)
- add contracts to interfaces (6f4ad1de)
- abstract methods (06091079)
- generics (518bf0fd)
- contracts for generics (552d6de9)
- prompt/c, continuation-mark-key/c (de5c756d, 095d47fc)
- mzlib deprecation notices (e4141077)
- image, flomaps changes?
- resizable plot snips (3ed1a787)
- enable performance report for typed/racket/base (b73421f8)
- distributed places (09bed0d6)
- keyword functions in TR (865a2cdc)
- TR load time optimizations (794bfa50, 6bf14151)
- teaching lang doc reorg (5fbb660a)