[racket-dev] props script
Two hours ago, Robby Findler wrote:
> Just to clarify: the props script is now useless to as a mechanism
> for actually setting properties, since the output is always the
> below, no matter of the arguments.
It was an attempt to make it verify the properties that drdr will
run. I switched the strategy that is used for that now.
(As a side note, this changed happened a good while ago -- it confirms
my guess that most people just edit the file directly...)
> And I think that deleting my "DrRacket.app" and ".DS_Store" files is
> probably not the way to go to get a working props script.
Yeah -- it would be nice if it tried to verify only things that are in
git, but that doesn't work on the tree that drdr uses. I've added
ignore patterns for the *.app and the .DS_Store files now, so it
should verify for you now (but now you'll need to run it with a
"verify" subverb to do it, of course). BTW, the directories below are
old things that are no longer in the tree -- you probably still have
them in with a "compiled" directory (which is why git wouldn't remove
them when they're removed from the repo):
collects/combinator-parser: no responsible
collects/guibuilder: no responsible
collects/srpersist: no responsible
collects/tex2page: no responsible
collects/waterworld: no responsible
collects/tests/aligned-pasteboard: no responsible
collects/tests/plot: no responsible
collects/tests/typed-scheme: no responsible
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!