[racket-dev] Enhancement to the syntax system?
Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> skribis:
> It's natural --- but not correct --- to think that #` is responsible
> for hygiene, in which case `(f #'x)' should keep the given `x' separate
> from the `let'-bound `x' in the result.
> If you change the example to
> #lang racket
> (begin-for-syntax
> (define-syntax-rule (f body)
> #`(let ([x 1]) body)))
> (define-syntax (m stx)
> (with-syntax ([zz (f x)]) #`(let ([x 2]) zz)))
> (m)
> so that `f' is used as a macro instead of a function, then you get 2,
> since the macro-expansion of `(f x)' keeps the `x's separate.
Interesting. Thanks for the clarification and examples.