[racket-dev] A very listy Typed Racket Integer
On Jul 5, 2012 8:50 PM, "Neil Toronto" <neil.toronto at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just found this today:
> #lang typed/racket
> (define: b : (Boxof Any) (box 4))
> (define-predicate boxof-integer? (Boxof Integer))
This is the bug -- there's no way to write the boxof-integer? predicate,
and define- predicate shouldn't think it can.
> (define (set-b-box! v) (set-box! b v))
> (: a-very-listy-integer (-> Integer))
> (define (a-very-listy-integer)
> (cond [(boxof-integer? b) (set-b-box! '(1 2 3))
> (unbox b)]
> [else (error 'a-very-listy-integer "can't happen")]))
> > (a-very-listy-integer)
> - : Integer
> '(1 2 3)
> Is this a bug or a limitation? It can be replicated with any mutable
container type as far as I can tell.
A bug. Anytime you get a result like that it's a bug.
> Also, if it's a limitation, can I get (Vectorof Index) to be a subtype of
(Vectorof Integer)?
No, that relationship would be unsound for similar reasons.
> Neil ⊥
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