No subject

From: ()
Date: Fri Feb 10 06:02:18 EST 2012

not zip.  I didn't think they were the same, but I don't know much
about this stuff.

Trying it, it doesn't seem to work:

-> (gunzip "")
; gnu-unzip: bad header [,bt for context]

> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <samth at> wrote:
>> Summary: we are currently violating the license of James Clark's XML
>> test suite, and should fix this.
>> Currently, the `tests/xml' directory [1] contains a comprehensive
>> collection tests for XML parsing from James Clark [2].  The
>> readme.html file [3] in that directory states the license of that test
>> suite:
>>  Copyright (C) 1998 James Clark. All rights reserved. Permission is
>>  granted to copy and modify this collection in any way for internal use
>>  within a company or organization. Permission is granted to
>>  redistribute the file <code></code> containing this
>>  collection to third parties provided that no modifications of any kind
>>  are made to this file. Note that permission to distribute the
>>  collection in any other form is not granted.
>> See in particular the last sentence.  We're clearly violating this
>> license, since we distribute the unzipped collection.  We need to fix
>> this.
>> Fortunately, this should be easy to fix.  We need to do the following:
>> 1. Remove the 'clark-tests' directory.
>> 2. Add the '' file.
>> 3. Unzip the file on-demand when running the tests.
>> Currently, we don't have a Racket interface to unzip files.  We could
>> use the command-line 'unzip' tool, or write such an interface., or
>> perhaps someone's already written one.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> --
>> sam th
>> samth at
>> _________________________
>>  Racket Developers list:

sam th
samth at

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