[racket-dev] new logo
On Feb 12, 2012, at 1:50 AM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> Here's a rough sketch that shows what I'm thinking of (using the shiny
> bg):
> http://tmp.barzilay.org/cr.png
I like this. I haven't looked at all the various drafts people have
come up with, but I would much rather not lose the lambda, and
haven't been impressed by the lower-case r. If we can fit in a
parenthesis that turns it into an R, that's fine too.
> The pun can even be taken further by adding a "(" on the left, smaller
> and fading out, so it looks like a curl on the top-left:
> http://tmp.barzilay.org/cr2.png
Interesting idea. This one isn't there yet, but has promise.
Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu
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