[racket-dev] Contract barrier inefficiencies
So there are potentially huge inefficiencies when mixing typed and
untyped code, usually when functions are passed across the contract
barrier. Here are a few things that I think cause them. Can the People
Who Know This Stuff Really Well please comment on these issues?
1. Functions that cross the contract barrier can have exactly the same
contract applied multiple times. Here's some benchmark code that
demonstrates the issue:
#lang racket
(module defs racket
(provide (contract-out [fun-id (-> (any/c . -> . any/c)
(any/c . -> . any/c))]))
(define (fun-id f) f))
(require 'defs)
(define (f x) x)
(define h
(for/fold ([h f]) ([_ (in-range 1000)])
(fun-id h)))
(for ([_ (in-range 5)])
(time (for ([_ (in-range 1000)])
(h 5))))
I get over 800ms for each 1000 applications of `h', because it's
basically a 1000-deep wrapper. (Or is it 2000?)
(The contract system is smart enough to check the contract quickly when
the types are (any/c . -> . any), but I don't think TR ever generates
contracts using `any'.)
This is a problem for `math/array' because array procedures are wrapped
going in and going out with exactly the same contract: ((vectorof
index?) . -> . any/c).
2. It seems TR checks more things than it really has to. In this
example, the predicate `foo?' prints something so we can observe when
it's applied, and is used as a predicate for an opaque type whose values
cross the contract barrier:
#lang racket
;; Provides a predicate and constructor for the opaque type `Foo'
(module foo-defs racket
(provide foo? make-foo)
(define (make-foo x) x)
(define (foo? x)
(printf "foo?~n")
(exact-integer? x))
(module typed-defs typed/racket
(provide get-foo foo-ap)
(submod ".." foo-defs)
[#:opaque Foo foo?]
[make-foo (Integer -> Foo)])
;; prints `foo?' 10 times; definitely necessary
(define foos (build-vector 10 make-foo))
(: get-foo (Integer -> Foo))
(define (get-foo i)
(vector-ref foos i))
(: foo-ap (All (A) ((Foo -> A) Foo -> A)))
(define (foo-ap f foo)
(f foo))
(require 'typed-defs)
I don't understand why the contract for `get-foo' has to check the
return value, because TR already ensures that `get-foo' always returns a
(printf "going to get a foo~n")
(get-foo 5) ; prints `foo?' once; why?
Could TR generate (exact-integer? . -> . any) for `get-foo'?
Relatedly, TR already ensures that the function passed to `foo-ap' is
only applied to `Foo' values, but this is also checked by a contract:
(printf "going to apply a function to a foo~n")
(foo-ap identity 1) ; prints `foo?' twice; why not once, just for 1?
3. It's a shame we can't know statically whether an untyped function
will return more than one value.
Suppose we could, and that TR generated contracts with `any/c' argument
types for higher-order functions (i.e. fix issue #2). Then array
procedures passed from untyped to typed code could have the contract
(any/c . -> . any), which is checked immediately.
There's probably more, but this will do for now.
Neil ⊥