[racket-dev] planet2
Jay McCarthy wrote at 12/10/2012 02:22 PM:
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org
> <mailto:neil at neilvandyke.org>> wrote:
> * I'm very concerned about discarding support for mixing versions
> of packages. PLaneT 1 didn't fully nail this, but I suspect
> planet2 is punting needlessly, rather than getting data and
> solving problems (perhaps due to changing mission, as speculated
> in next two points).
> My rationale is that what OSes provide is good enough for wide uses
> and we can more easily build the right versioned package system on top
> of this than a non-versioned package system on top of one that is
> versioned.
Perhaps some multiple version support can be grafted on later
satisfactorily. I'm just surprised by abandoning the problem, after
PLaneT made a credible first attempt, and before Racket actually got
much experience with apps built from lots of independently-developed
I still suspect that multiple versions support is a good thing and
doable. I wonder whether the design of a new packaging system would
benefited from having worked through the versioning problem in the
earlier stages of design, rather than after migrating people from one
system to a new one. I don't really know.
> For example, the various library collections on P1 (like scheme,
> unlib, etc) seems to me a product of the pain of P1 deployment
> encouraging monolithic packages.
There are also lots of small, loosely-coupled packages in PLaneT.
Certainly, getting things into PLaneT is tricky, and sometimes, even if
people got one version into PLaneT, sometimes they'd tell people "a
better version is in Git" because they didn't want to go through PLaneT
hoops again. And there are other reasons people make monolithic
libraries -- this is not at all peculiar to PLaneT. Which is part of
why I was planning in my book to push people to developing around
loosely-coupled reusable modules, with very low friction to moving the
module to PLaneT. I was working on tools to make that a reasonable story.
> * Related to previous point, it also looks like there *might*
> (unclear) be a desire to increasingly centralize or canonicalize
> some of the kinds of library work that I've been thinking are
> generally best done in a more decentralized and organic manner.
> If so, have to be careful with this.
> I assume you are referring to the suggestion to (a) use known
> collections like data, (b) not give things cute names, and (c) not
> name things after developers.
No, it looked like it might be an implicit, pervasive influence.
> This would, for instance, make it so that we have "net/soap" package
> rather than "roap", "unroap", and "super-soap". I think this is a good
> thing. We should be encouraging collaboration to produce excellent
> packages rather than having many 20% solutions.
If one has the resources to pull this off, more power to one. I'm not
sure Racket has the resources. (One way you could do it is if PLT
Design hired expensive full-time engineers who don't have
research/teaching commitments. Or you could do it as projects for
undergrad team software engineering courses, but I suspect the quality
of design and implementation would often not be up to what people come
to Racket for.)
I suspect there's still a big place for grassroots library development
for Racket. So I hope the design of the new package system hasn't been
biased away from grassroots needlessly.
Above are my main points. Rest of this email is asides, some
supporting, and some tangential. All can be skipped.
If you want me to see a response, please CC me.
* * *
Aside #1: On your "net/soap" example... I think a generally better
practice would be to name it "soap" rather than try to munge a
conceptual taxonomy into the name as "net/soap", unless "net/" is some
intertangled framework (which it doesn't seem to be). The taxonomies
change over time -- more frequently than the names should. I think one
of the PLT lists discussed this before. Thankfully, people nowadays
avoid putting these taxonomies as part of the key for most purposes.
For example, package namespaces for various GNU/Linux distros are flat,
even if they tend to use taxonomies for UI purposes elsewhere. For a
negative example fresh in my mind, CDDB is reviled for using genre as
part of its key, rather than showing more foresight with their namespace.
Aside #2: Don't be *too* hard on the cutesy names. Even when projects
do the officially blessed module with boring name, they tend to wind up
with better modules arising separate from the official one. If they do
eventually move to bring the iconoclast into the fold, blessing it with
an official generic name, sometimes they tack a "2", "new", "ng", or
other suffix/prefix onto the old generic name, or sometimes they simply
break backward compatibility, so you get people talking about which
version of a language you used for an app when they're really asking
about which library you used.
Aside #3: Cutesy or developer-qualified names (e.g., Java's use of
domain name authorities) are also a way for someone to name their
library and share it, without the burden of trying to be the
be-all-end-all of "foo". In his/her spare time, the pope can decide
whether and when to elevate "fooey" or "joe/foo", or "com.joe.foo" to
the official "foo". (I don't actually like seeing my name in package
names, but I do like that I can comfortably be less cutesy with the
names, such as when HtmlPrag (an awful name) became "html-parsing" and
"html-writing", without worrying that I'm getting in the way of someone
else's better efforts.)
Aside #4: I can tell you that on multiple occasions I've had a client
want me to revive some old app code, usually written in Python or Java,
which includes trying to figure out which versions of libraries were
used originally (and/or port the code to newer versions of the
libraries, since both Java and Python communities often break backward
compatibility, and libraries that come through Debian/Ubuntu packaging
also tend to break at that point, too). On multiple occasions, at the
risk of sounding like a fanboy to client, I've used this as an
opportunity to advocate Racket, noting that Racket does a better job of
this (with PLaneT).
Aside #5: I'm not sure what the lesson here is, but... the talk of %age
solutions reminded me of when Olin Shivers said something similar...
when he put a lot of effort into a couple early SRFIs. And then the
SRFI drafts went through a community process for refinement. And
PLT/Racket didn't really pick up the result. And Dr. Shivers directed
his energy towards other pursuits. I'm stretching a little, but one way
to spin this is that canonical library development expensive and
complicated, and you'll need to enlist and retain enough highly-skilled
resources if you want it to happen and keep happening.
Aside #6: My coolest libraries (like my time library) are unreleased,
because I was waiting for them to be sufficiently polished, and then
they bit-rotted. And lots of other times, I'm in the middle of an app,
and don't have time to perfect each of the few of new reusable libraries
I made in the course of making the app. So I switched to releasing
early-and-often (with ugly warnings about known issues), which seems to
have more net benefit. I prefer to do complete solutions, but I don't
have enough resources, and I don't think Racket overall does, either.
Aside #7: We're probably all seeing instances right now when multiple
different people each probably feel like it might be easier to just do
things their way, get it done, and move on with their *real* projects,
rather than to discuss and try to reach some kind of consensus or
bearable compromise. Which is sorta how I think libraries are usually
going to be developed.
Neil V.
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