[racket-dev] TR's optimizer eventually going to unbox structs?

From: Ray Racine (ray.racine at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Aug 27 13:14:04 EDT 2012

FWIW, the Scala folks have done something along these lines, Value Classes,
originally aka Inline Classes.


On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 08/27/2012 09:11 AM, Vincent St-Amour wrote:
>> TR's complex number optimizations eliminate repeated boxing and unboxing
>> in chains of operations that each consume and produce complex numbers.
>> Similar optimizations for structs would eliminate structs for
>> intermediate results in chains of operations that each consume and
>> produce that same (single) kind of struct.
>> If your code has such chains of operations, then these optimizations
>> could apply.
>> Do you have code that you think would benefit that I could look at?
> Not yet. I've given up on a union of different probability representation
> types for now.
> For arrays, I could. An array is just a function with a finite,
> rectangular domain (a "shape"). Think of the type like this:
>   (struct: (A) array ([shape : (Vectorof Index)]
>                       [proc : ((Vectorof Index) -> A)]))
> (This is a bit simplified.) So
>   (array-exp (array-abs arr))
> doesn't actually compute (log (abs x)) for any `x', it just creates an
> array that would if you asked it for an element. IOW, it's equivalent to
>   (array-map (compose exp abs) arr)
> which itself is equivalent to
>   (array (array-shape arr) (compose exp abs (array-proc arr)))
> If I made functions like `array-exp' and `array-map' into macros, and if
> array structs were unboxed, Racket's optimizer could inline the
> compositions. I imagine this eventual lovely outcome:
>   (let ([proc  (array-proc arr)])
>     (array (array-shape arr)
>            (lambda (x) (unsafe-flexp (unsafe-flabs (proc x))))))
> There are also FlArray and FCArray, which are subtypes of Array that store
> their elements (unboxed in flvectors and fcvectors). FlArray-specific
> operations are currently about 5x faster than Array's. But Array's ops
> don't allocate stores for intermediate results, so with the right
> optimizations, Array's could be the faster ones.
> If you want to have a look right now, checkout
>   https://github.com/ntoronto/**racket.git<https://github.com/ntoronto/racket.git>
> and try this program:
> #lang typed/racket
> (require math/array)
> (define arr (array [[1.2 4.0] [3.2 -1.8]]))
> (inline-array-map exp (inline-array-map abs arr))
> Neil ⊥
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