[racket-dev] Is it possible to write `flatten' in TR?
Short version: Creating arrays from nested lists (and vectors) would be
a lot easier if I could write a `flatten' function in TR, but I haven't
been able to. Is it possible?
Long version: Given this type:
(define-type (Listof* A) (Rec T (U A (Listof T))))
I'd like this function:
(: flatten (All (A) ((Listof* A) -> (Listof A))))
When I use `require/typed' to get it, it won't work:
> (flatten 0)
- : (Listof Zero)
> (flatten '(0 1))
flatten: contract violation
two of the clauses in the or/c might both match: ...
The problem is that an `A' might be a (Listof B), so the generated
contract is ambiguous. The ambiguity also shows up in TR, though it's
harder to understand from the error message:
(: flatten (All (A) ((Listof* A) -> (Listof A))))
(define (flatten lst)
(cond [(list? lst) (append* ((inst map (Listof A) (Listof* A))
[else (list lst)]))
Expected (Listof (Rec T (U A (Listof T))))
but got (U (Listof (Rec T (U A (Listof T))))
(Pairof Any (Listof Any)))
I think this error message is saying that if `lst' is a list, it really
could be any kind of list. I can't argue with that.
Is there a way around this particular error message?
More generally, is it possible to write `flatten' at all?
Neil ⊥