[racket-dev] another small doc typo
Again, ignore this if it's already been fixed. The docs contain this example:
#lang racket
(provide main)
(define (any-double? l)
(for/or ([i (in-list l)])
(for/or ([i2 (in-list l)])
(= i2 (* 2 i)))))
(define (main)
(define p
(place ch
(define l (place-channel-get ch))
(define l-double? (any-double? l))
(place-channel-put ch l-double?)))
(place-channel-put p (list 1 2 4 8))
(place-channel-get p))
(place-wait p))
My strong guess is that the begin0 was supposed to enclose both the place-channel-get and the place-wait. Actually, I'm not really sure why the place-wait is there at all.
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