[racket-dev] missing negation in guide for places?
It sure looks to me like this sentence from the docs is missing a really important "not":
The consequence of this second feature is that place should appear immediately in a module or in a function that is called in a module’s top level; otherwise, invoking the module will invoke the same module in a new place, and so on, triggering a cascade of place creations that will soon exhaust memory.
I'm guessing this should read:
The consequence of this second feature is that place should *NOT* appear immediately in a module or in a function that is called in a module’s top level; otherwise, invoking the module will invoke the same module in a new place, and so on, triggering a cascade of place creations that will soon exhaust memory.
Is this correct? I'll change it if so, and apologies if this has already been fixed.
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