[racket-dev] Help Desk nomenclature

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 27 09:34:09 EDT 2011

That makes a lot of sense to me, so I pushed that change. Thanks!


On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 2:00 AM, Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org> wrote:
> Ryan Culpepper wrote at 09/27/2011 02:45 AM:
>> On 09/27/2011 12:33 AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
>>> Did someone decide whether to rename "Help Desk" to "Racket
>>> Documentation", such as on the DrRacket "Help" menu and the "About"
>>> dialog?
>>> I still see "Help Desk" in version
>> IIRC, multiple textbooks refer to the "Help Desk" menu item, so that
>> probably won't change.
> For the possible benefit of everyone who is *not* using those textbooks,
> perhaps there could be a "Racket Documentation" item to the "Help" menu,
> which did the exact same thing as the "Help Desk" item on the same menu.
>  Maybe as the first item, or right above the separator line.
> That would also provide a migration path for eventually dropping "Help Desk"
> from DrRacket, if it is dropped from subsequent editions of all the
> textbooks.
> I'm not certain this is a good idea, but I don't think I'm entirely smoking
> crack either.
> I get the impression that there's an ongoing problem of many people not
> knowing that a shelf of useful documentation is right at hand, and this is
> one way to nudge them toward it.
> --
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/
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