[racket-dev] [racket] Code compiled for version ~a, not ~a

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Sun Sep 18 10:43:02 EDT 2011

I've pushed a fix for the problem with forward slashes in PLTCOLLECTS.

I haven't been able to provoke problems with version mismatches or
`raco link' not working for a tool. Here's what I tried.

 git checkout & build in c:\matthew\plt
 5.1.3 install in "c:\Program Files\Racket-5.1.3"
 a tool in c:\matthew\collects\uucs1410 (handin for my course)
 no PLTCOLLECTS or raco links, initially


   >cd c:\matthew\collects
   >c:\matthew\plt\raco link uu-cs1410
   >c:\matthew\plt\raco setup -D
     [ok --- tool works]
   >c:\matthew\plt\raco link -r uu-cs1410

   >set PLTCOLLECTS=;c:\matthew\collects
   >c:\matthew\plt\raco setup -D
     [ok --- tool works]
   >"c:\Program Files\Racket-5.1.3"\drracket
     [error message about bad info-cache]
   >"c:\Program Files\Racket-5.1.3"\raco setup -D
   >"c:\Program Files\Racket-5.1.3"\drracket
     [ok - tool works]
     [error message about .zo file version]
   >c:\matthew\plt\raco setup -D
     [ok --- tool works]

   [change schver.h to ""
   >cd c:\matthew\plt\src\worksp
     [interrupt at the "bootstrapping from source" point, to
      skip the doc build]
   >c:\matthew\plt\raco setup -D
     [ok --- tool works]

Can you make the version-mismatch problems happen reliably? If so, can
you give me step-by-step instructions that might work on my machine?


Posted on the dev mailing list.