[racket-dev] dynamic require and collapsed snips?
Let's say that I have a graphical file "snips.rkt" with the following content:
#lang racket/base
(define (f x) (...))
where (...) is an s-expression that's been collapsed by editing the
file in DrRacket, right clicking the expression, and selecting
"Collapse S-expression".
I then create a test.rkt to try to dynamically require the file.
#lang racket/base
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(dynamic-require '(file "snips.rkt") #f))
When I run test.rkt in DrRacket, it runs successfully. However, if I
try running it from the terminal, I get the following error:
cslab9g ~/work/whalesong $ racket test1.rkt
read-syntax: cannot load snip-class reader: #"(lib
\"collapsed-snipclass.ss\" \"framework\")"
=== context ===
/local/projects/racket/releases/5.1.3/collects/wxme/wxme.rkt:381:2: find-class
/local/projects/racket/releases/5.1.3/collects/wxme/wxme.rkt:207:2: read-snip
/local/projects/racket/releases/5.1.3/collects/wxme/wxme.rkt:616:4: read-proc
/local/projects/racket/releases/5.1.3/collects/mzlib/port.rkt:168:4: do-read-it
/gpfs/main/home/dyoo/work/whalesong/test1.rkt: [running body]
So there must be some context that I'm missing here. What should I be
doing to not get this error at the terminal? Thanks!