[racket-dev] Access key for search box in Help Desk
An access key wouldn't hurt, though I don't recall ever hearing of
someone using them in practice. Just be careful of your hands if you're
pressing three-simultaneous-key combinations a lot
BTW, I blogged an alternative a couple years ago, pasted below. Instead
of "plt", now, I use "r" for Racket documentation. Usually I do Ctrl-T
to get a new tab, so I don't have to make a decision on whether to
replace the contents of the current tab, and which also leaves the text
cursor in the AwesomeBar, ready to type my "r" search.
> PLT Scheme Quicksearch in Firefox
> So that I can search my local copy of PLT Scheme documentation easily
> from the Firefox location bar, I added a Quicksearch bookmark, with
> the properties:
> * Name: PLT Scheme 4.2.3 Documentation Quicksearch
> * Location:
> file:///home/neil/.plt-scheme/4.2.3/doc/search/index.html?q=%s
> * Keyword: plt
> Then I can search for, say, "event" by typing "plt event" into Firefox.
> You'll of course need to change the pathname for your particular
> account's documentation directory. If you don't have such a directory,
> try require-ing a PLaneT package, then go take a break for 15 minutes
> while PLT does a one-time rendering of all the documentation.