[racket-dev] REPL broken for #lang racket language?

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Fri Nov 4 17:25:18 EDT 2011

It looks to me like my drracket REPL is unusable. To wit:

2) move ~/Library/Racket
3) move ~/Library/Preferences/*racket*
4) start drracket
5) Choose "Use Language Declared in Source"
6) Run
7) In REPL, evaluate 13
... get this error message: 

compile: unbound identifier (and no #%app syntax transformer is bound) at: module in: (module program racket/base)

 === context ===
/Users/clements/plt/collects/racket/sandbox.rkt:340:0: call-with-limits
/Users/clements/plt/collects/racket/sandbox.rkt:582:0: evaluate-program
/Users/clements/plt/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:151:2: call-with-break-parameterization
/Users/clements/plt/collects/racket/sandbox.rkt:722:2: user-process

Could I be doing something dumb here? If I don't hear from anyone, I'll file this as a bug report.


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