[racket-dev] Please help me to understand the two lines.

From: Yingjian Ma (yingjian.ma1955 at gmail.com)
Date: Mon May 30 10:07:27 EDT 2011

  The lines are from
section 3.1

The lines are:
 v) → boolean?<http://pre.racket-lang.org/docs/html/reference/booleans.html#(def._((quote._~23~25kernel)._boolean~3f))>
   v : any/c<http://pre.racket-lang.org/docs/html/reference/Data-structure_Contracts.html#(def._((lib._racket/contract/private/misc..rkt)._any/c))>

Question 1
The result (boolean?<http://pre.racket-lang.org/docs/html/reference/booleans.html#(def._((quote._~23~25kernel)._boolean~3f))>
 v) is a boolean.  Why is it not
 v) → boolean instead of
 v) → boolean?<http://pre.racket-lang.org/docs/html/reference/booleans.html#(def._((quote._~23~25kernel)._boolean~3f))>

 Question 2
If v can be anything,  why not just use any instead of using

 Question 3
What does / and c mean?

BTW, did I missed the definition of / and c?  I have not read the entire

Thanks a lot.
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