[racket-dev] docs not showing up on PLaneT for gzip.plt

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Thu May 19 15:54:03 EDT 2011

I just persuaded Jens Axel Soegaard to submit a new gzip library on my behalf; unfortunately, it shows up in PLaneT as having Docs: [none]:


...despite this info.rkt file:

#lang setup/infotab

(define name "gzip")
(define blurb
  (list "Provides gzip compression and decompression via zlib."))
(define primary-file "main.rkt")
(define scribblings '(("doc.scrbl")))
(define categories '(datastructures))
(define version "2.0")
(define required-core-version "4.0")
(define release-notes '("updated required-version-number, scribble-ized and racket-ized"))

My current guess is that it could have something to do with the missing 'repositories field or the existence of an old "doc.txt" file or perhaps to the (spurious?) "planet-docs" directory that exists in the source, but I can't really test this hypothesis without bugging Jens to submit package after package.  Is there some way to test locally whether a PlaneT .plt file will show up as having documentation on the planet web page?  I suppose I could create my own planet package and then ask you to delete it for me....

FWIW, injecting the file locally does successfully build documentation:

pcp070679pcs:/tmp clements$ raco planet fileinject soegaard gzip.plt 2 5

============= Installing gzip.plt on Thu, 19 May 2011 12:47:43 =============
raco setup: Unpacking archive from /private/tmp/gzip.plt
raco setup:   unpacking doc.scrbl in /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup:   unpacking doc.txt in /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup:   unpacking info.rkt in /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup:   unpacking main.rkt in /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup:   making directory planet-docs in /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup:   unpacking scribble-common.js in /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup:   unpacking zlib1.dll in /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup: version: [3m]
raco setup: variants: 3m
raco setup: main collects: /Users/clements/plt/collects
raco setup: collects paths: 
raco setup:   /Users/clements/git-clements/clements/collects
raco setup:   /Users/clements/clements/matthias/collects
raco setup:   /Users/clements/Library/Racket/
raco setup:   /Users/clements/plt/collects
raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
raco setup: making: <planet>/soegaard/gzip.plt/2/5 (gzip)
raco setup:  in <planet>/soegaard/gzip.plt/2/5
raco setup: making: <planet>/soegaard/gzip.plt/2/5/planet-docs
raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
raco setup: updating: /Users/clements/Library/Racket/planet/300/
raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
raco setup: --- building documentation ---
raco setup: skipping: <planet>/clements/sxml2.plt/1/1/scribblings/sxml.scrbl
raco setup: skipping: <planet>/cce/scheme.plt/4/1/scribblings/main.scrbl
raco setup: skipping: <planet>/williams/science.plt/3/10/scribblings/science.scrbl
raco setup: running: <planet>/soegaard/gzip.plt/2/5/doc.scrbl
raco setup: rendering: <planet>/soegaard/gzip.plt/2/5/doc.scrbl
raco setup: --- installing collections ---
raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---
------------- Rebuilding documentation index -------------
raco setup: version: [3m]
raco setup: variants: 3m
raco setup: main collects: /Users/clements/plt/collects
raco setup: collects paths: 
raco setup:   /Users/clements/git-clements/clements/collects
raco setup:   /Users/clements/clements/matthias/collects
raco setup:   /Users/clements/Library/Racket/
raco setup:   /Users/clements/plt/collects
raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
raco setup: making: scribblings/main/user
raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
raco setup: --- building documentation ---
raco setup: skipping: <planet>/clements/sxml2.plt/1/1/scribblings/sxml.scrbl
raco setup: skipping: <planet>/cce/scheme.plt/4/1/scribblings/main.scrbl
raco setup: skipping: <planet>/williams/science.plt/3/10/scribblings/science.scrbl
raco setup: rendering: scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl
raco setup: rendering: scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl
raco setup: re-rendering: scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl
raco setup: --- installing collections ---
raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---
pcp070679pcs:/tmp clements$ raco doc gzip

... succeeds, though I can't paste that part...

Thanks for any help,


-------------- next part --------------
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