[racket-dev] Fancy application/automatic anonymous functions
On May 17, 2011, at 12:14 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
> Scala has the nice feature that if you write something like this:
> lst.map(_ - 1)
> It automatically rewrites to a function like this:
> lst.map(x => x - 1)
> This makes writing some higher-order functions much easier.
> Of course, it's easy to make this using a macro and `#%app'. You can
> see the result here:
> github.com/samth/fancy-app
> I'm planning to put this in `unstable/app', and if there's interest
> I'll think about incorporating it into the default `#%app', after some
> experience with it.
> Lots of people have written similar things (`cut' in SRFI 26, Jay's
> `super-cut', etc), but I'd like to move towards using it implicitly.
Just to clarify (your README is a bit terse ...): this rewrites all applications where one of the terms is the free identifier '_' . Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think it's vaguely amusing that the wisdom that we've gained in developing sophisticated syntactic tools convinces us 90% of the time not to use them.
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