[racket-dev] strange/wrong placement and sizing in racket/gui

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 20 12:29:50 EDT 2011

I think I've found the problem and pushed a fix.

At Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:55:08 +0200, Marijn wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi list,
> I have a couple of issues with current racket/gui behavior. I have
> created the following test-case:
> #lang racket/gui
> (define list-editor%
>   (class vertical-panel%
>     (init init-values parent)
>     (super-new (parent parent))
>     (define (insert-item val)
>       (let* ((v (new vertical-panel% (parent this) )) ;**
> ;             (ins (new button% (parent v) (label "insert")))
>              )
>         (new text-field% (parent this) (label "") (init-value val))) )
> ;    (send this begin-container-sequence)
>     (for ((v init-values)) (insert-item v))
> ;    (send this end-container-sequence)
>     )) ; end define class
> (define root (new frame% (label "List Editor")))
> (new list-editor% (parent root) (init-values '("1" "2" "3")))
> (send root show #t)
> 1) If you run the program like this, then 3 wide text-fields are created
> each with lots of empty space on top of it. The empty space shouldn't be
> there.
> 2) Now uncomment the first commented line, the one that creates buttons
> and run again. The texfields are now narrow and instead of empty space
> there are now buttons. This case seems fine.
> 3) Now uncomment the begin/end-container-sequence lines and run again.
> Suddenly the textfields are wide again and there is extra vertical space
> in between the textfields and buttons. I don't think that
> begin/end-container-sequence should ever influence the final result,
> since they are only to prevent flickering due to too frequent on-screen
> resizing.
> 4) Finally, it seems that (style '(border)) doesn't work for me when I
> add it on the line marked ** as a property of the vertical-panel.
> All this (tested) on Linux.
> Marijn
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> =Cn3z
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