[racket-dev] Please help me to fix the code
Hi Rodolfo,
Thank you for the help. ( I assume add1 is
(define (add1 x)
(+ x 1))
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 10:02 PM, Rodolfo Carvalho <rhcarvalho at gmail.com>wrote:
> [Moving the thread to the users mailing list]
> Yingjian,
> Good to see you persevering and getting it done! Congratulations.
> Before I reasoned about your code, just looking at its shape was enough to
> imagine it was not properly indented.
> You can use and abuse of DrRacket for your on good.
> Using the shortcut CTRL+I let's you reindent all of your code, which gives
> this:
> #lang racket
> (define (count-matches s l)
> (define (addone s l x)
> (cond
> [(empty? l) x]
> [(equal? s (first l)) (addone s (rest l) (+ 1 x))]
> [else (addone s (rest l) x)]))
> (addone s l 0))
> The change in indentation makes clear that you're defining an auxiliary
> function and the result of calling count-matches is that of calling (addone
> s l 0).
> BTW "addone" doesn't really sound to me to describe what the function is
> doing -- it not always "adds one".
> Look how a similar implementation is possible without an inner auxiliary
> function:
> #lang racket
> (define (count-matches s l)
> (cond
> [(empty? l) 0]
> [(equal? s (first l)) (add1 (count-matches s (rest l)))]
> [else (count-matches s (rest l))]))
> (count-matches 'x '()) ; should be 0
> (count-matches 'x '(a b x)) ; should be 1
> (count-matches 'x '(x b x)) ; should be 2
> []'s
> Rodolfo Carvalho
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 01:37, Yingjian Ma <yingjian.ma1955 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I finished it. The purpose of the function is to count the occurrance of
>> a letter in a list. Ex:
>> (count-matches 'x '()) should be 0
>> (count-matches 'x '(a b x)) should be 1
>> (count-matches 'x '(x b x)) should be 2
>> The keywords I can use are limited. Thank you all for the help. Another
>> I need to write is to remove duplicated items from the list.
>> It seems that under cond, one condition can only take one expression.
>> What can I do if I want to do two statements?
>> Here is the code.
>> (define (count-matches s l)
>> (define (addone s l x)
>> (cond
>> [(empty? l) x]
>> [(equal? s (first l)) (addone s (rest l) (+ 1 x))]
>> [else (addone s (rest l) x)]))
>> (addone s l 0))
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