[racket-dev] ohloh page

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Wed Jul 6 20:53:02 EDT 2011

On Jul 5, 2011, at 7:29 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:

> I took over the ohloh page for the "racket" project.  (It used to
> point to a project that has been completely dead for a number of
> years.)  See it here:
>    http://www.ohloh.net/p/racket
> It has some nice features like an aggregation of RSS feeds (I've added
> the repository and the blog feeds) and a number of "factoids".
> Most of the code-related things are very off though, because it
> doesn't know about Racket files or about Racket as a language.  The
> way to add that would be to add support for Racket files to the
> project that they use to do the counting:
>  https://github.com/blackducksw/ohcount
> Anyone interested in hacking that in?

1) I just followed clojure's lead.  


I've submitted a pull request. Eli, I added you as a collaborator on this repo in case you want to add some more sophisticated tests (I just copied lisp, like Clojure did) or alter the parser itself.

2) I see that we're "in the top 2% of all open-source projects" according to ohloh.  Perhaps we should advertise this?


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