[racket-dev] in-file-lines sequence
At Fri, 21 Jan 2011 10:53:42 -0700, Doug Williams wrote:
> What is the best way to perform actions after a sequence terminates? Here is
> a simple example that is like in-lines, but takes a path instead of a port.
> It works, but I was wondering if there is a better way to do it.
> (define (in-file-lines path)
> (let ((port (open-input-file path #:mode 'text)))
> (make-do-sequence
> (lambda ()
> (values
> (lambda (_) (read-line port 'any))
> void
> (void)
> void
> (lambda _ (if (eof-object? (peek-byte port))
> (begin
> (close-input-port port)
> #f)
> #t))
> void)))))
I think you mean
(define (in-file-lines path)
(let ((port (open-input-file path #:mode 'text)))
(lambda ()
(lambda (_) (read-line port 'any))
(lambda (v) (if (eof-object? v) ; <----------
(close-input-port port)
so that the last line is included in the sequence. Otherwise, I don't
have any better suggestions.
Beware that if the sequence stops being used before you get to the end
of the file, then the port won't be closed:
(for ([line (in-file-lines <file>)]
[elem (in-list '(1 2 3))])
; port isn't closed if it has more than 3 lines
But the sequence protocol doesn't give a sequence any way to know that
it isn't being used, other than GC-based finalization --- which is
probably a bad idea for file ports, since you can run out of available
file descriptors much faster than available memory.